Hello Pojo. This deck is unorigional. But, not many people have Brian
Brokaws new guide, it came out of that! This deck, is strangely, a speedy
staller!! Strange, you say? This deck has a new way of Boosting stalling
speed! It is by forced card trashing.

Pokemon (12)
4 Scyther (Not for fighting, for switching pokemon back and forth)
4 Chansey (Staller, to build up others)
4 Moltres (Build him up while Chansey is out stalling, when ready, scoop up
or reatreat chansey, send out a Moltres with at least 7 or 6 fire energy,
and Wildfire for a forced card trash!)

Energy (26)
22 Fire Energy
4 Double Colorless

Trainers (22)
3 Gambler (To keep your card pile thick or to get those urgent energy)
2 Energy Retreival (To get those fires back)
2 Item Finder
3 Scoop Up
4 Energy Removal
4 Super Energy Removal
4 Pokemon Center

The tournament was held online, (hoping thats ok!!) it was with 8 people. I
battled 3 times!! Thats it!! It was singles no time limit and no japanese

Round One: A raindance deck.
Battle Report: Well, he got Articuno out vs. Chansey with Moltres on the
bench, perfect setup! I stall my heart out and be build up stuff on the
bench like Blastoise, Articuno, and Dewgong. But I get another Chansey, I
slap down some double colorless. I get heads for almost 8 turns!!! I have a
Moltres on the bench with 12 energy on him. He has 14 cards left. I have him
discard, as a total, 6 rares! ha! He runs out of cards next couple of turns.

Round Two: A fighting deck.
Battle Report: Awwwww, he gets out Hitmonchan vs. Chansey. I get no energy
and it ends fast.....

Round Three: Disqualification For Japanese Cards

I settle with a 4th place prize, man. I didnt even figure out how this
tournament worked! But I think something was fishy about it. Well, my report
wasnt that good. But Pojo please post it! I can tget into any good
tournaments! Thank you for reading this dumb report btu I hope you liked the
deck! See Ya!

Questions? Comments? Send To:
Jake Kirby (Carbunkle)
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