Hey PoJomaniacs! It's Ry, the Pokefreak here and i'm gonna tell you how I
did with my deck, Prevention. Here's the deck.
4 Grimer
4 Muk
2 Venonat
1 Venomoth
3 Bulbasaur
2 Ivysaur
1 Venusaur
3 Oddish
2 Gloom
2 Vileplume
1 Pinsir
2 Scyther
1 Snorlax
1 Chansey
1 Kangaskhan
1 Ditto
24 Grass Energy
1 Ditto
2 Pokémon Center
1 Computer Search
The idea is to get out Muk and stop Pokemon Powers. The tournament was
played at the Danger Room in Anderson, Indiana on January 15, 2000. It had
33 participants, double-elimination style. Here we go:
Round 1 vs. Mewtwo Mulligan Deck:
Argh! Not Mewtwo Mulligan! Mewtwo's Barrier slayed me. Not a good way to
start a tournament.
Record: 0-1
Round 2 vs. Mew deck
This game went better. I drew a god hand with Kangaskhan, Double Colorless
Energy, 5 Grass Energy, Oddish, and Pinsir (drew 2 extra cards because of
Mulligan). He sent out Chansey and two Mews. Chansey was his active. I sent
out Kanga, layed a Double Colorless and fetched. He attacked an energy to
Mew. I played a Grass Energy on Kanga, and he layed down an energy on his
other Mew. I played Scyther on my bench and layed a Grass Energy for Comet
Punch. 1 heads, 20 damage. He played another energy on Mew. I Comet Punched
for 40. He put another energy on Mew, and I started building up Pinsir. In
two turns, Chansey was gone. He sent out Mew, but his attack didn't work
because of resistance. I killed his Mew with Kangaskhan. His other Mew came
out and I retreated Kangaskhan. Pinsir came out, Guillotine and I win
because he has no basics.
Record: 1-1
Round 3 vs. John w/Psychic Deck
This game was close. I can't remember all the details, but I know I started
out ahead before he started picking off all my pokemon with his Wigglytuffs.
I got out Vileplume and killed both of them. He killed my Vileplume and I
drew Kangaskhan. After having another of my pokemon die, I sent out
Kangaskhan and killed a base set Haunter to even up the prize count at 5-5.
He sends out Jynx and I kill it to draw my last prize and win the game, but
it went down to the wire.
Record: 2-1
Round 4 vs. Nick w/Fighting and Psychic
Nick had a good deck with 4 Hitmonchans. I took out his first one with Muk,
but his three others took out the rest of my pokemon. Too bad.
Record: 2-2 (I am out.)
Well, my performance was nothing to write home about, but I had fun. Now,
since Props and Slops is an unoriginal name, I will use Woos and Boos.
(Woos= Good, Boos= Bad)

Woo to the Danger Room for another great tournament.
Woo to Martin for giving Mews to all the participants.
Woo to Roobie for winning 4 straight tournaments.
Woo to John for almost beating me.
Woo to all my opponents, they played good.
Woo to Kangaskhan, he saved my butt.
Boo to Mulligan Mewtwo and all stall decks (I like haymakers and raindances,
not stalls)
Boo to cheapo who played Mulligan Mewtwo
Boo to all the people that beat me
Boo to Mew (It's only good for collecting, the card sucks)

Well, I hope you liked it!
E-mail: pokefreak2002@hotmail.com

This has been Ry, the Pokefreak, signing out!
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