Dear Pojo, A couple of weeks ago I had a devastating loss with my no weakness
deck against a haymaker. But, from a couple of e-mails from pojo fans I have
changed things around a little. Like gengars and such. The tourney was held
at a very small comic shop called comic town. There were about 10 people
there. Same as the last tourney. But the prizes were a lot better. Half a box
of Original boosters! And $15.00 in store credit. It was held on Jan. 8 on
Sat. I think. Well, here's the deck.

4 Gastly (Fossil)
4 Haunter (Fossil)
4 Gengar
4 Dratini
3 Dragonair
2 dragonite
3 Articuno

3 Energy Removals
2 Super Energy Removal
3 Switch
2 Gust of Wind
2 Pokemon Trader
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Bill

8 Psychic
8 Water
4 Double Colorless

Here is what happened at the tourney. (Note: These reports are short because
the judge wouldn't let me take notes, stupid I think.)

Me vs. Brandon Peffer
Well, Brandon was playing a deck that he saw Scott G. build, something like
Sponge or something like that. Anyway, he had his mew in his deck. He had
like 3 mewtwos (Promos). Kinda like a haymaker. Well, the only thing I was
worried about is the mew and his devolution beam. Well, I started off with
gastly haunter and some energies. I laid a psychic on gastly to start out. He
had an electabuzz. I evolved next turn and kept putting that poor buzz to
sleep. Plus he couldn't get a hit off because of Haunter's pokemon power. I
ended up powering up a dragonair pretty quick with the help of some bills. I
retreat haunter with his awesome no retreat cost and bring out dragonair,
along with hyper beam and an energy removal I take all of buzzes energy.  He
doesn't want to waste any more energy on buzz. He brings out a powered up
mewtwo and tries to do damage, but can't touch dragonair because of
resistance. I kill him. He can't keep energy's on any of his pokomon to do
damage. I win.

Me vs. Jerry Dillion
This was so short, I just used gastly to kill this kids basic, he sent out
like 4 magikarps. He ran out of basics.

Me vs.???? (A poison grass deck.)
He loaded his deck with muks and scythers. I basically use articuno's the
whole time, I had a gengar powered up and I used his pokemon power to kill
benched pokemon. I won by picking up all my prizes. This was an really easy

I won the half box of originals. I also traded some cards and got a killer
deal on a Venasaur. Also, $15.00 store credit.

If you have good alterations or want a strategy to this deck e-mail me at