j.Rock's Tournament Report

First, the stats.

Date: Sunday 1/9/2000

Time: 1:00 PM

Location: Rama Llama Comics in Plano, TX

Type: DCI, no entry fee, 3 Divisions, Swiss until finals, which became single elimination

Participants: ???, 40+?

Yay another wonderful Pokemon Tourney!! Scott, Gordon, and my Mall Tour friend Israel (forgive me if I misspell your name) were all here. Today I was sporting a Haymaker (because you can only call a deck a Haymaker if it has Hitmonchan) created from what I learned from last week's horrible 1-3 mudslide (guh…you'll never see that report!) Here is the deck I used to go 2-2 this time.

j.Rock's Haymaker ver. VI

(Lightning, Fighting, Grass, Colorless)

4 Electabuzz

3 Hitmonchan

3 Scyther

2 Ditto

4 Double Colorless Energy

7 Electric Energy

7 Fighting Energy

3 Oak

4 Bill

4 Energy Removal

3 Super Energy Removal

4 Gust of Wind

3 Scoop Up

2 Lass

2 Energy Retrieval

3 Computer Search

2 Item Finder

This deck works like any normal Haymaker. Get 'Buzz, "Chan, or Scyther out to kill, Oak/Bill when nessacary, Retrieval your energy when nessacary, and use Ditto to solve your MP Mewtwo problems. The big difference is the 2 Lass, which I praise immensely. If you have never played Lass, or think it will hurt your trainer intensive deck, don't worry about it. If you time it correctly, Lass can devastate your opponent, while leaving you with minimal damage.

On with the report!

Round I

Vs. ________

Due to a mishap in parings, I was placed in Division II. After correcting the problem (if you call this a correction) I received a Bye. Thanks Rama Llama!


Round II

Vs. Derek

He had the Magmar out vs. my Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan did some damage, but died (**** poison!) before he could whoop Magmar like the over-rated Pokemon he is. My "buzz finished the job though.


Round III

Vs. Gordon Kane

Man o man did I not know what I was doing! All I remember is thinking how totally unprepared for Sandshrew and Mewtwo! There was a bit of a clash in rules and attitude for a moment, but after a little "compromise", Gordon whooped me with no problems.


Round IV: Finals

Vs. Scott Gerhardt

Scotty boy, What an intense match! Scott Oaks like 3 times in the first 2 turns, and I cycle almost as quickly. We both killed some Pokemon, but the match got really good when Scott had 1 Mew, 1 Psychic Energy in hand, and I had a large bench. If he didn't top deck and Oak, he lost the game because I would kill him the next turn. (By the way, for those of you who don't know, Scott is in the top 5 [somewhere in there] of the world.) …It all comes down to his draw…and it's…. Gambler!!! So what happens next??…. Flip…Oh man he draws 8 cards!! Needless to say he wins the game. Lucky is all I can say for that one! Well, that and REMATCH!!


That’s the game. I got 4th place, and no prize, but I'll have you know the top 4 decks were using "Buzz, and the top 3 where using MP Mewtwo. I'm still a little edgy about him.

