Fry 'N Curse
By John"da Hamster"Khaou
Pokemon League at Toys R Us
January 15,2000
'Bout 25to35 participants

    Once again, da Hamster has come back to layeth the Smaaack it Doown !!!! 
Well..I decided to make this deck 'cuz I got some holo Gengars and fossil
Haunters and such.  It did pretty well against all, but for some reason,
either Gengar keeps showing up in da beginning or jus' Gastly.  Oh well.  I'm
glad that Phil,one of the original Gym Leaders, came back to help.  Good
thing 'cuz since the limit on da number of players was lifted,there's been
TOO many li'l munchkins taking up space.  Oh well on with da report.

15 Psychic
9 Lightning
3 F.Gastlies
2 F.Haunters
3 Gengars
3 Mr.Mimes
3 Electabuzzes
2 Grimers
1 Kangaskhan
2 Bills
2 Prof.Oaks
2 SERs
3 ERs
1 Breeder
2 Comp.Searches
2 Scoop Ups
3 Gusts
2 E. Retrievals
1 Switch
Battle # 1 & 2 Lee Richie w/Psy and Electric
    Lee's a great player, but has horrible luck, and that's why he loses so
much to me. Games would be better if he wasn't plagued wit' this
curse.(ironic, isn't it?)
    Battle # 1  My Gastly is confronted by his 'Buzz.  I went first and Lee
already gets pissed off when I paralyze 3 times in a row. He attempted a
TPunch for da kill wi't a pluspower but he rolls an even number(yes, we're
using a die),meaning tailz.  Then I gust out his benched Mime and paralyze
but he scoops up an' finishes off Gastly. Then my Mime finishes off his 'Buzz
and he retaliates wit' his Mime.  So I retreated Mime for another Gastly and
kill off his Mime.  I forgot what happened around here but later in da game
my Gastly goes after his Mew.  He conceeds after I took my 3rd prize( he had
4 left). I also kept on gettin' odds on da roll(heads).
    Battle # 2  Well, I got a bad start, being forced to use my Mime as an
active against something I don't remember.  I do remember the same Mime vs.
Mime situation happening but everything else wuz fogged out.  Hopefully Lee
will post this battle, but he did submit to me again due to my luck.
Battle #3 Santos w/Water and Fight
    He's one of those li'l kidz and wuz lookin' for someone to battle.  I
don't know why I even bother posting this "battle", since it t'wuz merely a
skirmish.  My buzz goes up against his Staryu.  Except that I didn't get in
da beginning so he got 2 slaps on me before I shocked twice for da win. That
wuz his only basic.  I looked at his deck and helped him out after da battle.

Battle # 4 Jeff w/Raindance
    Finally, a GREAT match!  He's not in da League, but his son is and he had
a deck and I asked if he'd battle me(as you might've figured out, he's fairly
older than the rest of us).  He agreed and his son said "Goodluck" to both of
us but it looked like he wuz refering to me.
    Okie dokie, my lone Gastly stands against his active Kangaskhan and
Magikarp. I went first and but I didn't paralyze most of da time. He kept
Oaking and payin' bills to make his deck even faster. He jus' kept on
fetchin' away until I gusted out his 'Karp and licked but no paralysis. He
retaliated wit' a tackle. I then licked again wit' no paralysis. Jeff
retreated and put 'Kahn back up to fetch some squirtle and wartortle. I drew
a Mime and slapped an energy on it.  Then Jeff evolves his 'Karp and builds
up his squirtle and evolves it. I put another energy on Mime and then he gets
Blastoise out,switches Kahn wit' Gyarados,and Dragon Raged away my Gastly. I
put up my Mime, put down another Mime,energized it, and another Gastly. I
also Super removaled his Gyarados in hopes of preventing him to attempt a
bubblebeam and it worked and he wuz stalled.   I  then put down 'Buzz in
hopes of gettn' rid of his 'toise. He then gusts out my Gastly and Dragon
Rages it away. I finally then meditated away the deep sea terror. He brings
up Blastoise,gusts out 'buzz, and pumps for 40. I paralyzed and punced away
for another kill. Then Jeff brings up Kangaskhan and comet punches away
'Buzz. Prizes 4-3 is bad for me, but now I've Mime up, another Mime benched,
and Haunter.  He keeps on fetchin' and itemfinds for another bill, speeding
up his slow and painful loss.  I decided to go into stall mode and jus' keep
Mime sittin' up there as he fetches away.  Jeff didn't have anything to deal
wit' Mime, so as you'd expect, I win.  He did have me worried, and I think it
wuz a good game. 
    Well..that's for my battles, but I've some other things to tell y'all
'bout.  Some of the parents have decided to teach da youngsters how to play
correctly and there wuz a table jus' for them. They had playmats and
everything, cuttin' many of experienced players some slack since we were
first the ones to teach them. Also, there wuz also drinks and animal crackers
for us to munch on.
Time for some Slops'n Props!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slops for Jayson for criticizin' me for beatin' on da li'l kidz.
Slops for the HI-C juicebox for not letting me poke my straw in.
Props for da adults teaching the youngin's how to play da game correctly.
Props for Lee for not pullin' out a gun due to my luck. :)
Props for Jayson for NOT having a loose tongue this time.

John "da Hamster"