hi, pojo i appreciate you taking time to read this.
I went to tournament in Los Angeles, California on 1/2/00 and I won the tourney owning everyone with a rec of 8-0, hehe don't belive me?? SCroll down to see my deck.
Tourney wasn't that big, but the prizes are tempting.
About 15-25 people showed up (different times, some came late)
Deck Name : PsySlap  (psychic only deck)
Pokemons: 20
4 Jynx
4 Abra
3 Kadabra
1 Alakazam
3 Drowzee
2 Hypno
2 Lickitung
1 Chansey ( for damage swap with Alakazam)
Energy: 25 Psychic Energies ( Could be less), 2 Double Colorless (for Lick & Chansey)
2 Bills
3 Gust of winds (YEA!)
1 Professor Oak
2 Energy Removals
2 Potions (really useful when ur using basic pokemons)
2 Switches ( These are not really necessary unless ur poor on energies, i usualy just retreat )
1 Computer Search
My games: (As brief as possible)
Game 1 vs. Fighting Deck
My first Seven Cards : Gust of wind, Jynx, Potion, 3 Energies and a Drowzee
Took out my Jynx and he tried a hitmonchan with a Geodude on bench heheh, I won coin toss so i went first.
Drew an Abra. I added Energy to Jynx..., my next turn i called in geodude (with Gust of wind) and double slapped him.. After a furious and tiring fight i had 2 prizes left and he had 1, All my benched was injured cause of damage swap, i had a chansey with 1 psy and 1 double colorless, i drew a psy energy and attached to chansey .. double edged both knocked out. I had 1 prize and he had none. OH ONE MORE THING, I HATE GOLEM! 1-0
Game 2 vs. Fire + Electric
I was kinda worried that he's got a charizard. I drew 1 energy, 3 basic pokemons, 1 potion, 1 switch and a double colorless.
He first took out a Magmar (Fossil), it just simply raped my drowzee. :( I sent out abra with another abra on the bench (this could be over in seconds). He tried to smokescreen me again cause he had no energy, so i potioned after the smokescreen. .......... My abra died but so did his magmar. at this point our prizes is 4-3 his lead, no charizard yet. I was kinda shaking but calmed down after a while. Luckily my i was able to switch my half dead Abra to Jynx. Jynx stalled me for a while until i finally got kadabra!!
I sent out kadabra attaching energy each turn...... we were tied with 1 prize each (ohhhh goshhh). The last play was Hypno vs Raichu, i tried prophecy him and worked. He couldn't draw any energy, so i Prophecy Drained him to death with my hypno! 2-0
Game 3 vs. Haymaker
I played vs few haymakers before and i was pretty confident that i could win. He took out a electabuzz against me... I was kinda shocked ( hehe shocked get it?). I had a chansey, an abra and a lickitung in my hand. I was very happy wit it. I Took out lickitung to fight, hoping to stall me a kadabra and eventually alakazam. But it didn't stall for long, his electabuzz was good alright but he retreated it immediately after 30 damage done to it. He brought out a Scyther. I was sure that i lost but some how he didn't swords dance or anything.. he attacked a double colorless. I licked him couple times and he got a grass energy. I did some good damge to scyther until my lick was knocked out. prizes 5-6 his lead. I brought out my jynx and doubleslapped + meditated him to death. He took out his injured Eletabuzz vs my Fully loaded Jynx, I took his eletabuzz to school. HE RAN OUT OF BASICS HAHHAHAHA. 3-0
Game 4 vs. Grass with a couple colorless
GAme over .... hehhehhehe at the end Dragonite vs my Chansey .. Double edged and game over 4-0
Game 5 vs. Psychic (uh-oh, weaknesses)
GAme over very very quick.. Jynx vs gastly he never even slept me, kept on attacking and knocked him out. He brought out a slowpoke.. I thought he has a slowbro in his hand but NOT! Jynx took care of business again. 5-0
Game 6 vs. Weird Haymaker
Last play : prizes me 4 he 1, He had Charizard fully loaded but fortunately i had Gust of wind... took out his 3/4 Dead scyther and toook it to heaven. 6-0 MUAHAHAHHAHAAH
Game 7 vs. I'm the best ( that's the deck name, can  you belive it!!)
He started by showing me his brilliant holofoil collection, i was really impressed by it. We started playing, I didn't draw any Basic first hand, so he got 2 cards for free, i Drew a Drowzee and took it out to fight vs Eevee, we were both just stalling for evolution and my hypno came right after my drowzee. The KID CONCEEDED :( :( :( NO FUN! BUT 7-0
Game 8 vs. Fire
He first took out growlithe, i was scared for arcanine. So i gust of wind his growlithe out and called out his cheap ponyta... Ended up he had a Rapidash. i had Drowzee and Chansey first hand, couldn't do much. So i tried an early computer search. Traded a potion and an energy to find a hypno, prophecy and saw his very messed up shuffling skills, he had 3 consecutive trainers. So i placed his crappy Lass in front cause i didn't have any trainers anyway. He found lass... I started to prophecy again and he found bill he drew 2 cards, an energy and an arcanine. I killed his rapidash and here comes his Arcanine. his arcanine took out 1 kadabra and 1 jynx be4 it finally fell. AFter the Arcanine I dominated :) 8-0~~
Prize : I won the complete Evolution Set of Squirtle and 5 Booster packs.
Email me at : Hydrolisko@hotmail.com for any help with deck making, i'll be glad to help!