Hi my name is lorenzo sharpe.And I enterd the tournament at the pack
shack.Ihave been looking for this kind of deck for 4weeks.This is 1/1/00
there were about 10 or 12 people .Put on youre setbelt because youre going to
see 100'000 volts.Frist my deck is called 100'000 volts.    

4x pikachu
2xzapdos [Base]&{fossil
x20electric energy
x1professor Oak [electric only needs one]
x4energy removal
x4plus power
x3gustof wind
x2computher search

me vs fast fighthing
We pull our frist 7 no basic for him.I pull two more lucky me he had Geodude
and I had scyther  he went frist he pulls  and makes a attachment.Now its my
turn I pulled get a gust of wind then I computher search for a dce then I
attach.He goes he pulls then he bills then bills again then attaches used
stone barrage.frist one tails.I felt sorry for him then I pulled attached he
beged for me not to kill him but SLASH he was out.

I had three battles left before I could rank in at 2nd or 3rd then I was out
of there
me vs raindance
We pulled our7 then I put out my elecabuzz and my pikachu on the bench. He
had three basic two squrtails and a magickarp I went frist and I pulled bill
and got my two card and attach and thounder shockfor 20.He goes and frist he
bills and then pull.My turn and thundershock without even pulling ko.His turn
he breader to blastoise and energy removel raindance for 40.I pulled gust a
wind in magickarp computer search droped two energy and got a plus power
thundershock kowith plus power
Ileft afther that my mom had to go .
You should try this deckit won me lots of wins
You could e-mail me at sharpe568@.com