The tournement I went to was held at amazing stories "that's the card shop name" It is in Vancouver Washington. There were five rounds in the tournement. I was held on December 18. There were 25 people who played in the tournement. This is my deck and how the tournement went.
7x fighting energy
7x electric energy
7x fire energy
4x double colorless
3x hitmonchans
3x electabuzz's
3x magmar's  (fossil)
3x syther's
2x proffessor oak's
2x gust of wind's
2x scoop up's
2x energy retrievel's
2x computor searches
4x energy removel's
4x super energy removel's
2x lass
3x plus powers
1'st round
The first round was pretty easy I was up against a rain dance deck and just used my electabuzz's.
2nd round
The second round i faced a syther deck and just used my magmars to kill them.
3rd round
The third round i faced a all fighting deck and just left syther out the hole game since he has resistence to fighting.
4th round
The fourth round i faced another rain dance deck and just used my electabuzz's again.
5th round
The fifth round was the hardest i faced a haymaker deck but luckely i got a lot of energy removels and super energy removels.
I one the tournement and got 25$ cash. I am currently ranked 140th in the world and 3rd in washington according to dci rankings.
If u have a question about my deck email me.....oh yeah my name is Ricky!