Dear Pojo, Here is my Deck. I don't have a name for it yet. I just call it my
no weakness deck. All of the pokemon don't have a weakness but they all have
a resistance of fighting or psychic. With no weakness you can concentrate on
bringing out a pokemon with there weakness. Well you're probably tired of
reading this so here is the no weakness deck.

Pokemon= 21
Gastly4x (Fossil)
Haunter4x (Fossil)

Trainers= 15
Computer search2x
Energy removal3x
Super Energy removal1x
Gust of Wind2x

Energy= 24
Double Colorless4x

The tournament was my first one. It was on Dec. 29 at Zany Brainy in Columbus
Ohio. There was about 10 people there. (Not very big). Any way it was single
elimination so no mistakes. I had to face three people. A lot of people had
bi's but I was the unlucky ones. Oh well.

1st match
Me vs. Jerry Stygler
He was playing a standard but deadly Alakazam stall deck. My hand was a
gastly, a haunter, 1 psychic, a gust of wind, a dragonair, a double
colorless, and a water energy. I lay down gastly. I go first and give gastly
a water energy, he has out a mr. Mime. I lick for 20 (weakness) and paralyze
him. He puts down an Abra with an energy knowing his mime is going to die. I
evolve into Haunter and nightmare and pick up my prize. He ends up using a
breeder and evolving into Alakazam and lays down another energy on kazam and
putting down a tentacool. I nightmare and put him asleep he wakes up and
damage swaps taking the damage off. He lays an energy down on kazam and uses
confuse ray. I use Haunter's pokemon power and kazam's attack didn't affect
him. I retreat Haunter and bring out an Articuno with three waters on it. I
gust out tentacool and killed it. He ended up without any basics.

Match 2
Me vs. ???
He was running a haymaker deck so I knew I needed Haunter out to get rid of
Hitmon's and Mimes. I would use Dragonairs hyper beam to keep scyther under
control and as for electabuzz, Same strategy as scyther. I had the best hand
to start out with, A dratini, draganair, double colorless, energy removal,
potion, 1 water energy, and 1 psychic energy. I go first again and bring out
dratini with a water and pound. He has a scyther  with a grass energy. He
swords dance and his turn is over. I evolve and lay a double colorless down.
I energy removal scyther just in case he has a double colorless in his hand.
He shrugs in disappointment. I end up getting 4 energy's on dragonair and
kill all of his pokemon because he can't keep enough energies on any of his
pokemon to do serious damage. I win.

Match 3
Me vs. Gary Shellat
He was playing a mean grass deck consisting of 4 pinsers, 4 scythers and
muks. I picked up 2 gastly's, a haunter, 3 water energies and a dragonite. I
lay down gastly with a water. Hoping to get a psychic energy on my next turn.
He has a grimmer with no energy. Next turn I  actually get my psychic energy!
I lay it down and nightmare for 20. He evolves into muk! My pokemon power
isn't working! He has 50 life left. I end up struggling the entire game with
muks and haunters but I end up keeping energy's off of the muks so he
couldn't attack. Same with the scythers. I didn't see his pinsers though. And
when muks attack did work and he poisoned me I just used haunters no retreat
cost and got rid of the poison.

I ended up taking home 3 original, 3 fossil and 3 jungle boosters!
Well, e-mail me if you have good alterations to my deck to make it better.