Oklahoma City, OK, Game HQ in edmond, 2/20/00
ok, first thanks for posting this in advance Pojosama,and there was about 20
people there and here is the deck....
3xFossil Magmar
4xenergy search
4xEnergy Removal
4xSuper Energy Removal
2xEnergy Retrieval
7xFighting Energy
7xFire Energy
6xLightning Energy

Aaaaahhhh another cute little touney at Game hq ,the day before i was tuning
this deck,back to the action, i sign up ,  and it starts. I have to go
against this one kid with a raindance deck with a splash of mimes in it

Me Vs. ?????(raindance)

ok i get two electabuzz (yes!) 2 L energy a hitmon chan and a dce
i win the flip and i go first (buzz vs. sqirtle) i put an energy on buzz and
shock him for 20 and no paralization, he bubbles me for 10 and i kill his
lone sqirtle next turn for the win.

(record) 1:0

me vs. energy trans

i get a magmar, two fighting enegy, 1 fire ,dce and two oak. he goes first
and puts an energy on his bulbasaur with a scyther pinser and another
bulbasaur, he passes and i put an energy on mar and smokescreen for 20
(weakness) and he leech seedes me i draw a pluspower attach it to mar and
kill the bulbasuar,he sends up pinser, with some good old plus powers i kill
it with smog ,he sends up an Ivysaur (a wall) and i kill it in two turnshe
sends up a lone scyther and slashes me he kills mar and i kill his scyther 
with a buzz i drew earlierand i win.

(record) 2:0

on the semi finalsi had to fight a Curse/ damage swap

i draw a scyther a dce oak and the rest was energy removals he starts out
with a gastly and a abra he licks for 20 cause of plus powerand no
paralizationi draw a chan bench it and put a dce on scyther and pass,he
evolves gastly and night mares me i see if scyther is asleep he woke up and i
slash for 40 {plus power} and he wins because of gengar and alakazam ( if you
lose one game in this tourney your out)

record 2:1        the infamous props and slops

props to game hq for cheap packs
slops to the kid with the psy deck