Brooklyn,NY league event 2/17/00 
   There was about 15 to 20 people there. It was a regular league event
nothing big

Fighing with Fire deck
1 Farfectched
1 Kangaskhan
4 Charmanders
2 Charemelon
3 Growlithe
2 Arcanine
4 Machop
3 Machoke
1 Machop
1 Hitmonlee
1 Hitmochan

11 Fighting energy
12 Fire energy
2 Colorless
1 Professor Oak
1 Super potion
3 Bill
1 Scoop Up
1 Gust of Wind
3 Switch
1 Energy Retrieval
1 Defender

0-0  fightingfire vs waterelectric
It was my first actual pokemon game i ever played in the league i played
against a guy with a water electric deck. We fliped a coin it went my way i
thought that would help me in the game.  The first pokemon i toke out was
charmander witch i didn't have any energy cards but one fighting energy. So i
put it on him i saw the other kids pokemon it was psyduck i i scracth him
then he put a water enery on him and lucky enough he got three heads and
killed charmander. So i toke out himonchan and i picked a fighting energy up.
i had a bill so i used it. i soon later killed psyduck he took out a fully
evoled golduck and he had a enery on him heput enough on him and killed
hitmonchan. i had one last hope machop i got no enerys and he soon killed me
and i had no more basic and he won. 

0-1 Fightingfire vs fightingplant
The next game was better i wnet first again got a hinmochan and a growlithe
and i had alot of energys he only had one basic pokemon it was a diglett and
i took out hitmochan and took him out two win my first match.

1-1 Fightingfire vs pyschic electric waterdeck
His deck was bad it stunk he had baily no basic pokemon just a couple of abra
and a couple of squrtles and about a few pikachus. I took out my machop and
hit him with low kick he only had a squrltle and a abra out so i took him
down cause all he tried t odo was paralaze me but it didn't work so i evolved
into Machoke and killed him he then took out a squrtle and then put down
anthor squrtle  so i picked up a card and got kangaskan. i then hit him with
Machoke and he died. He had already two energys aon squrtle he picked up a
card and got Watortle and put a energy on him and killed Machoke. i took out
kangakhan and used two energy removals on Watortle and i put and energy on
kangakan used fetch. after that he couldn't do nothing so i did fetch intil i
had enough energys and killed him. He also ran out of basic.  

2-1 Fightingfire vs Colorless
This one was quick first me and him picked up the cards i got himolee and he
went first took out Jigglypuff and he did lullaby i used strech kick after i
got two energys and form then on i was betting him with just Hitmonlee then i
was smart so i qept on using High Jump Kick intil i killed 5 of his pokemon.
Then he finally killed Himonlee with Snorlax. So i had a fully energized
Arcanine. I used Take Down. he had only 10 enery left so he got me paralzed
once and then i used Flamethrower and he lost.
