Location: Orbit Comics
City:San Gabriel
State: CA
Date: Feb 13, 2000

Gamingpro1's TurboTuff
Note: All cards are English versions


4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
4 Scyther
3 Mewtwo(promo)
2 Mr. Mime

Trainer: 24
4 Bill
4 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
4 Plus Power
3 Gust of Wind
3 Switch
2 Item Finder

Energy: 20
16 Psychic Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy

Hi. TodayI attended my first real organized tournament. It was very exciting
for me.
I played some very interesting matches and had some very close calls for
elimation. The rules were: best out of 3/single elimination, 6 prizes, no
time limit. OK. Now on to the matches.

Match 1
Round 1

Me vs. Daniel Reyes?(not sure on first name)
Round 1

Daniel was playing a haymaker/potpourri type deck. Opening hand was really
bad. Had jigglypuff ,scyther, energy and oak. I went first. I played scyther
as active,jigglypuff on bench and he placed hitmonchan. i thought"Hey i have
a advantage but was wrong. I put energy on jigglypuff and said go. he put
down electabuzz and gusted for jigglypuff, jabbed and was done. I drew a
wigglytuff and evolved jigglypuff, oaked, drop down 2 basics and a
doublecolorless on Wigglytuff,then i Oaked again, didnt get anything so i
Oaked and billed some more. after i was done, I was pissed. I was only able
to wave  for 50 . His turn He then dropped down some basics and  lightning
energy on electabuzz and then jabbed wigglytuff and KOed him. On my turn i
noticed that i went throught like 3/4 of my deck. After that everything went
downhill for me cause i Oaked everything away. He  KOed a couple of pokemon
then stalled to decked me.


Round 2
This round was pretty funny. I thought i was going to be beaten and kicked
out of the tournament so i was really nervous. He had the same problems i
had in the first round. But this time I didn't any problems whatsoever.
Opening hand. Promo Mewtwo, Switch 3 Psychic energy. 1 Double Colorless, and
a Oak. I went first with Promo Mewtow. Him with Scyther. I dropped a psychin
Energy, oaked the restand absorbed. He jabbed and S.E.R.ed mewtow. From my
oaked hand i drew a switch and some energy jigglypuff, mewtwo and a comp
search, i put down jiggly and mewtow, switched for fresh mewtwo and
absorbed. he put down electabuzz and scooped for electabuzz, and
thundershocked. tails. I comp searched for a Oak and dropped down 2
scythers. Gotten a gust from Oaking and KOed hitmochan with mewtwo.He went,
couldnt find the stuff he needed so he oaked and billed like 3-4 times.
After he filled his bench and knocked out mewtwo with pluspowers and
electabuzz i saw that he had like about 10 or less cards left in his deck. I
began to slowly stall while with scythers retreating and Oaking to gust for
a energy deprived Hitmonchan. From that i Decked him.


Round 3
Now this was a good match. He gusted and KOed jigglypuffs, wigglytuffs and
weak pokemon on my bench while i was doing the same to him with a full
bench, Wigglytuff+pluspower and promo mewto. Near the end, he had a 3 prizes
left while i got 5. I got 2 mewtwos pumped up and KOed a a couple of
pokemon. He told me he had no energy and was screwed so he gusted for a
energyless wigglytuff. his last pokemon was a Hitmochan so i swithed and
psyburned him. What also made this match good was that everybody was done
playing the first match and had to wait for us to be done, so everybody
watched us play.


Match 2

Me vs Some Guy

Round 1
The guy i played was probably in his late 20's.He was very nice and also had
a potpourri/haymaker deck. He went first and put down a scyther, magmar.I
had a scyther out and a jigglypuff on bench. He dropped a fire on magmar,
retreated and smoked screened me. i dropped another scyther down, retreated
for the fresh one, and dropped a psychic energy on jigglypuff and was done.
he put down another fire on magmar and smogged,tails. i placed a DCE on
jiggly, evolved him to wigglytuff and oaked and billed. i then filled my
bench. pluspowered and KO magmar. he put out scyther and placed a energy. my
turn i pluspowered and KOed it. he had no other basics so i won round 1.


Round 2
This time I went first with a scyther, Mr. Mime and Jigglypuff. He had a
scyther out and a Chansey. I put an energy on Scyther and was done. he did
the same and was done. i then put a DCE and slashed. He then put down
electabuzz and a DCE on Chansey. I thought this was strange but i played a
pluspower and slashed KOing scyther. he then placed the electabuzzand
dropped a lightning energy and thundershocked, tails. Then i placed a energy
on jigglypuff, slashed and was done.
he then placed a energy on electabuzz and thundershocked, tails. i placed a
energy on mime and switched for another scyther i placed down retreated and
pluspower slashed.KOing it. he then placed another DCE on Chansey and
DoubleEdged. I thought this was really weird but didnt say anything. i then
wondered if there was a way i could haved knocked it out but was
absentminded for a while. then i finally realized that i had a Mime so i
droped an energy on it and meditated it for 90-30(resistance). That was his
last pokemon so i won.


Match 3

Me vs. Stanley

Round 1
OK. History on Stanley. Know him from school and he has the best Raindance
deck ive seen so far. Usually beats me down bad, but today i got lucky and i
fixed up my deck for tourney.He usually pops out blastoise second turn and
KOs everything so I thought i was going to have some more trouble. If i loss
this round then i would have had to play someone else for 3rd place. IF i
won i was gauranteed 2nd place. Opening hand, jigglypuff, 2 psychic energy,
computer search, Oak, pluspower. i dropped down my jiggly and went first.
All he had out was a squirtle. i was kinda greedy so i risked it. i put down
the pluspower and comp searched for another pluspower, then i oaked. i found
the DCE i was looking for and KO squirtle winning round 1.


Round 2

SInce the first round was kinda quick, we had a quick chat on who would
probably win the tourney and how they would have probably win. Before
tourney started we checked out the other players deck and  narrowed down the
top players to 4.It  included me, David Reyes, Stanley, and Duke. Most of
our decks hit fast and hard so we predicted that the winnner of the matches
was  probably the one who  got out his combo.with mine being wigglytuff and
my bench as backup. Stanleys was his blastoisee/articuno combo. Ok. now to

I went first with a scyther out and a jigglypuff on bench He had out a
scyther. I retreated for jigglypuff and lulled. he went, flip tails and
played a squirtle and a energy on it and was done. My turn i evolved to
wiggly, dropped DCE and pluspower, gusted for squirtle, oaked and KOed
squirtle. Stanley said he was screwed cause i got my combo out first and
looked at hist next 3 cards on deck. all 3 were energy so we both declared
that he lost.


Match 3

Me vs. Duke

After the game with Stanley, we both watched the game with David Reyes vs.
Duke. Both were running the ever popular hay/poutpourri deck. I was kinda
anxious on who i would have to play but mainly i was checking out the
competitions decks. Duke won against David 2/0 so i had to play him. I
thought good since i knew Dukes deck a little better.

Round 1
Opening hand. Mewtwo, switch, oak, 3 psychic energy, DCE. went first with
mewtwo, dropped energy on mewtwo oaked, and absorbed. It seemed that Duke
got the ugliest hand possible and ended up with a lone hitmonchan and jabbed
mewtwo. i just then psyburned and won round 1.


Round 2
Well it seems that my good luck prevailed again and Duke got another bad
hand. The usual scyther with jigglypuff appeared and i placed a energy on
jigglypuff. he went with hitmonchan and couldnt do anything. i then
retreated, evolved to wigglytuff, Comp searched for DCE and oaked. KOed and
won tourney.

Me-1st place recieved 24 Basic packs(was supposed to be a box but not enough
people showed up)
Duke-2nd place recieved 8 packs(was supposed to be 12 but same because of
the same reason as above it was decreased)
David- 3rd place revieved 4(supposed to be 8)

Before the beginning of the tourney me, Stanley, Duke, and David agreed that
if one of us won 1st and the rest didnt win anything, the 1st place would
give 3 packs to that person. After the prize was decreased because of less
people, Duke and David backed out of that deal. I thought i was going to be
the one that lossed so i was scared of losing the $8 admission fee and
getting nothing. But after i won, i kept that agreement and gave 3 packs to

Well it was a great day for me so hopefully i'll write another deck report
after the next tourney.
Until then, have fun and email me on what u think of this deck.(also i didnt
copy this deck from anywhere, just popped into my head)

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