Brock Christianson's Killer Report      Place: Pokemon League      
State:Scottsdale, AZ                    Date:Feb,5,2000                      
   Deck name:Psychic Drain      Types in deck: Psychic&Normal              
The whole idea about The Psychic Drain deck is to cause your opponent to run
out of energy cards leaving your opponents Pokemon helpless so you can pound
on them for a few turns.This deck has it's weakneses and it's strong points
it's weak against Haymaker deaks and has some problems with Alakazam's
Pokemon Power Damage Swap. [ But what deck doesn't?] Okay were done with the
weakneses now it's time for the strong points! This deck is strong against
Fighting pokemon and bird pokemon and good against stall decks that include
Mr. Mime [Honestly I thnk this could be a tournament winning deck ]and is
good for beginner players who want to be competive real soon now . Okay here
is the Psychic Drain deck
                                 Psychic Drain
        20 Psychic Energy
        2 Double-Colorless Energy
            [22 Energys in all]
            3  Mewtwo(one movie promo)
             2 Ditto
              2 Doduo
              1 Dodrio
              4 Dratini
              2 Dragonair
              4 Abra
              3 Kadabra
              2 Alakazam
              23 Pokemon in all
              Trainer Cards
              2 Switch
              3 Gust of wind
              2 Bill
              2 Energy retrieval
              2 Poketrader
              4 Super energy removal
              15 Trainers in all
Battle One. I was playing a boy about 16 he was playing a Jungle and Fossil
Haymaker,  I started with an Abra and a benched Dratini, he started with a
and no benched pokemon. He won the coin toss. He attached a fire energy to
Scyther and said go. I attached a psychic energy to Abra and did  a
with no paralysis.  He did a pokemon trader , Magmar for Electabuzz and
attaced an energy to Electrabuzz. Retreated Scyther and thunderschock with
paralysis.  I attached and energy to Dratini and said go.  He benched a
Magmar  and attached an energy to Electrabuzz, and did a thunderpunch and
flipped a heads. Abra was defeated.  I benched a Dratini and a promo Mewtwo,
and sent out Dratini and attached an energy to Mewtwo and said go.  He
attached a fire energy to Magmar and did a thunderpunch flipped a heads  and
said go. I attached another energy to Mewteo and said go. He attached an
energy to Magmar  did a thunderschok for 10 and killed my Dratini. I sent out
Mewtwo and attached an energy to Mewtwo.  I did psyburn for 40 damage.  It
was his turn, he retreated his Electrabuzz and did smoke screen for 10 damage
with Magmar.  I put down a ditto on the bench attached an energy and said go.
He than retreated Magmar, sent out Scyther attached energy, and said go  I
did a psyburn and said go.   He attached an energy to Scyther and did a slash
for 30 damage.  I did psyburn and killed him.  He sent out Electrabuzz, and
did thunderpunch,flipped heads and killed me.  I attached and energy to ditto
and sent him out and did a thunderpunch flipped a heads and said go.  He
retreated Electrabuzz and sent out Magmar, did a smokescreen for 10. I did a
smog and did not poison him.  He a smog with poison .  I then did a smog,
without poison.
I said go. He did smog.  I surrendered. (Told Ya)

Game 2
I played someone about thirteen(I'm 9)  He  had a fire deck.  I won the toss.
I had an active Abra and a benched Dratini.  He had a lone Vulpix,  he was
all mine.
I attached an energy to Abra and psyschocked without paralysis.   He attached
energy to Vulpix and  said go.  I then attached an energy to Dratini and
psyshocked with paralysis. He evolved Vulpix into Ninetails.  I attached a
double colorless energy to Dratini  and evolved him into Dragonair and
slammed him for thirty damage and said go.  He attached an energy to
ninetails and said go.  I attached an energy to Dragonair and did Hyperbeam
and killed him.

Screen name: Psychic 97635

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