Chaosity v3.0 (Electric/Fire)
                                             By Phil Mondiello
                               East Coast Super Trainer Showdown
                                Meadow Lands, Exposition Center
Saturday, November 18, 2000
                                        Roughly 250 Participants
                                              11-14 Age Division

I have waited 2 months for this unbelievably exciting event, but sadly, I
didn't get in to the top eight. But many of my friends did. Jason Imperiale,
good friend of mine, left with the bronze medal. However, Glenn Katzen didn't
do good, Vashal Phalgoo didn't show up, and Jim Hurley was defeated by Mike
and Bobby Gagliardi defeated him, making him not being able to get into the
top eight in the 15 and up division. But the sad part about this was the work
I put into it. Me and four of my other friends had roughly 200 matches the
Friday night before the Championships, metagaming against everything. Heres
the kicker, I went 5/3, and I lost everytime to standard Wiggly. Look at Rudy
and Jimmy's decks, basic Wiggly, no thinking involved at all. P15 was a total
waist, making this just harder for the people who worked harder. If I new
people weren't going to use there imagination, I would have used a No-Talent
Wiggly I would hav! ! e got top 8. Enough of my complaining, because there is an
80% chance I'll make it to the Mega-Battle. Oh, and by the way, I was the kid
with the Backwards Yankee hat and a Black Bubble Jacket with a blue jansport
backpack. Heres the deck-


3-Dark Gloom
2-Dark Vileplume
1-Pokemon Trader
2-Gust Of Wind
4-Fighting Energy
3-Rainbow Energy
6-Fire Energy
6-Electric Energy
1-Full Heal

Round 1-Played some kid with all RZapdos and I had my trusty Ditto : ). I
plasmaed since I went first. He went and he plasmaed. I elctroburned with two
DCE, taking no damage and a prize. Another. I have Forty on me. That Two
prizes and I have a Pair of Wigglys on the bench. He couldn't win at this
point. Another elctroburn and he had no Basic Pokemon.
Round 2- I went first again I had one trainer in my hand and it was lass, It
won me the game. Took the New Magna members Oak, Search, Scoop, and Item
Finder. It was uphill for me since all he had was electric energy in he hand
and two magmars in play. I was using Chansey and scrunched and it worked. He
went with nothing, I put Jiggly on the bench, and I killed Magmar. The other
one was out, no energy for him, and another game was won.
Round 3- I got a really crummy hand, and I really new I lost. Before I
blinked, I was fighting a Pair of Wigglys. This coudn't have gotten worse.
Damn Wizards for P15-3c!
Round 4- I was playing against a Psychic deck, and the kid recorded
everything that happened in the match. He didn't work for Pojo though, cause
he wasn't sporting that Sick Hockey Jersey (I want one!). I beat 'em mad
easy, He had Mr. Mime out, and RMewtwo on the bench. I had RZapdos out and
Ditto on the bench. I got pretty lucky Pokemon wise, but not hand wise. I
killed the Mime in two shots, and by that time the Ditto was almost ready for
combat. Next turn I phyburned for 120 to win the game.
Round 5- Now Movie Mewtwo was gona die : ). Bye bye Spongey, One attack from
Ditto won me this match, but the kid cryed to his freinds saying I was unfair
and should have given him a chance. In DCI there are no chances!
Round 6- I played a killed that sounded as if he was from somewhere in the
South. He had Caos Gym out, and I was Oaking on his Oaks. He lost by an  
unwise decision, using my oak when he had like 15 cards left in the deck.
Round 7- I played a kid from France that didn't speak a word of English, and
he was like cheating the whole game! I had DCI officials come over, Even
Shawn Smith, but no one really did anything about it. I counted the deck and
it had like 63 cards in it but he ran off with the win before I could tell
the DCI >:0.
Round 8- Nothing to be said. I had Dodou vs. RZapdos. Ughh. Can you tell what
happened? Unfortunately, That was the last match  and I lost : (.

Props to: Steve Sperling, Gary Bonivita, Dave Homan, Dave Koran, Sean
McGowan, Jim Hurley, Jason Imperiale, Chris Peditto, Rudy for winning, Maria
Delaar, Mike & Bobby Gagliardi, Glenn Katzen, Mike Delgoudio,

Slops To: Well, I don't really want to mention names so I wont.

Want to chat Pokemon, is where you gotta send!
Thanx a lot from Team RA_RA, and Team Hurley!
      See ya at the Tropicle Mega Battle!
Phil Mondiello
1831, 17 in New York