Hi Pojo,
      Here's my deck, "Hydrodance" i played with it at Toys-r-us in Hawaii on
Sept. 25.  There was only about 15 people there only because it was the first
week they were having the pokemon league.  The main point of this deck is to
get your gyarados up front and have your blastoise on the bench rain dancing
on all your water pokemon.  Anyway here's my deck:

24 Water energy

20 Pokemon

3 blastoise
2 wartortle
4 squirtle
3 gyarados ( pretty much the best stage 1 pokemon)
4 magikarp
1 chansey ( an awsome basic pokemon, with 1 retreat cost and 120 hp)
1 clefairy
1 clefable
1 lickitung ( this guy has saved my but alot of times!! )

16 Trainers

4 pokemon trader
2 pokemon breeder
2 Proffesor oaks
1 bill
1 computer search ( i am going to try and get some more)
1 super potion
2 potion
1 plus power
2 gust of winds

  This wasn't really a real tournament, you just sort of found people that
wanted to play and played them.

game 1
i played against some girl with a hitmonchan/damage swap deck.
   i got a o.k. hand with squirtle water water water trader and full heal and
bill.  she went first and put a hitmonchan on her bench and a abra up front.
she psyshocks me but no paralyze. then i go and get a lickitung, then i bill
and get a wartortle and a water energy.  i play the wartortle on squirtle
just to make sure i dont die.  well i guess she doesnt realize that i am
gonna get a blastoise next turn. so she attaches another energy to abra and
psyshocks.  i almost feel sorry for her because she looks so happy to get
heads.  well next turn i trade my lickitung for a blastoise and evolve my
wortortle to blastoise and raindance on him and do hydro pump.  well the rest
of the game was just her struggling to get some pokemon out and didn't even
see a alakazam or kadabra.

game 2
played a boy with a haymaker
   alright no basic pokemon.  ok no basic pokemon again,  i shuffle real well
this time and get a god hand.  water water trader clefable squirtle proffesor
oak and a breeder.  He puts a scyther up front and a electabuzz in the back. 
i put squirtle up front and go first.  i am thinking to my self that i may
lose this match.  ok lets see i draw a water energy and trade my clefable for
a blastoise and use breeder.  then raindance on blastoise and use proffesor
oak and get magikarp and gyarados and lots of water energy.  ok hydro pump. 
he retreats his syther and brings up buzz and paralyzes me. ok great!!  well
well well look at the next card its a FULL HEAL, o yeah!  i use full heal and
evolve magikarp and raindance on gyarados. then hydro pump.  he slaps on
another electric enrgy to buzz and trys to do thunder punch,  heads, ok well
blastoise is knocked out. i send out gyarados and dragon rage to kill him and
i pick up my prize and its a proffesor oak!  he puts a scyther with a grass
energy on the bench and brings up his old scyther. This match was very tough
and i didnt really see my other blastoise's in the match and he gets all of
his scythers out and keeps retreating.  in the end i have a lickitung up
front while he has his hitmonchans beating down on me,  aggghhhhh  i had a
weakness to all his pokemon. i lose

game 3
me vs the gym leader
alright i have to tell you something----the gym leaders have pre made decks
they have to play with so like when you fight the pewter city gym you have to
fight rock pokemon.  well this decked plain old sucked. it only had 1 rare
card in it, a machamp.  well easy win here, all he got was onixes while i
kepped on using dragon rage.  very boring!----the rest of the time i traded
cards with other people.

  PLEASE READ THIS PART!!!  i need to tell you something though.  I am going
to try and make a haymaker deck because of the new pokemon coming out in
fossil like muk---can't use any pokemon powers: no more raindance or damage
swap or invisible wall,  aerodactyl----i am skrewed  cant evolve any pokemon
in play no more blastoise.  well i should say wizards of the coast totally
skrewed me and my raindance deck!!!  the only deck i can see people playing
with in the future are haymakers.  and that sux cause in my opinion haymakers
are boring.  well theres my 2 cents   c-ya later pojo

any questions comments---write 2 Merlin2458@aol.com