Super ScymonBuzz

4 Electabuzz
4 Hitmonchan
3 Scyther
1 Jigglypuff
1 Lickitung

12 Fighting Energy (For Chan)
10 Electric Energy (For Electabuzz)
3 D. Colorless Energy (For Scyther)

4 Energy Removal  (Early Game Stallers)
4 Bill (Card Drawing)
4 Gust of Winds (Disruption)
3 S. Energy Removal (Late Game Stallers)
3 Computer Search (Anything Needed)
2 Prof. Oak
2 Scoop Up

Hi again, this is Neal SenGupta with my newest haymaker. I originally had 2
pluspowers but now I added Bill and a Gust of Wind instead. This one was at
the West Gate mall 10:00 to 11:30. After that it was trading and
deck-building classes. I gained a Erika badged draonair (yes, dragonair) and
clefable that were badged and holo. I got a rocket badged Scyther, a team
rocket vileplume, a sabrina badged alakazam, brock badged rhydon and
ninetailes, and a lt.surge badged electabuzz and riachu that were all holo
and japanese. For American holos i got a mewtwo, venusaur, wigglytuff, and
kengaskhan holos. I only won the mewtwo, erika badged dragonair and
clefable, brock badged rydhon, and surge badged electabuzz and riachu. The
rest I traded for. I got 13 new holos.

                                                       Game 1 v.s  Fighting
Grass Deck

This was definetly a bad match. He kept using pokecenters and super potions
but i gusted out a kengaskhan when i had a hitmo. Things went quickly from
then. His name was robbi tekniko (whatever).

                                                  Game 2 v.s Raindance

To quick. Starts with a magikarp. Way to quick when i had chan and a
pluspower. I took out the squirtles and a poliwhirl for the win. Did'nt ask
him his name.

                                             Game 3 v.s 15 year old with a
colorless deck

Um....I'm not sure what happened but i do know that he started with a
chansey and scooped it up when he had no bench. I told him to look at the
card but he said that the damage would be deducted from his life total or
something (Magic Player) i won though. I just played along with him. His
name was brian.

Game 4 v.s electric psychic

Wow. This was a good deck. He swarmed all over me with electabuzzs and
jynxes. I basically brought out my jigglypuff to kill a a kadabra and a jynx
but he brought out an electabuzz and killed me. Did'nt matter cause i had a
chan but he had alakazam on the bench protecting the buzz. Man, really long
game. His name was joe.

Game 5 v.s water fighting electric deck

Hmmmm.......That was weird. It was a haymaker with staryus in it. Neat idea.
I should try it sometime. If i did'nt have his weakness or resistance the
whole time he would have one.

My Bye- played one of my friends with a rainbow deck

His name was rick pratser and i beat him bad. I then gave him advice on how
to make a better deck.

         Finals v.s fire deck

This deeck seemed alot like one i played against in my neighborhood. He had
a second turn arcanine but to worry, energy removal stalled the day. It was
a good match but gusts of wind and energy removal helped me out.

I won!!!! I won those holos i was telling you bout in the beginning. I
traded 2 blaine badged charizards and a rocket moltres for the other seven.
Sweet. There were about a 150 kids there but only 30 were there to play. 5
of my friends came, but they were late and missed the tourney, HA HA HA. And
my brother was just sitting around and missed the whole thing. I traded a
holo snorlax for a giovanni badged gyarados at the ned. AWESOME!

                                                           Thanx for
        Neal sengupta