This tournament was once again held at Futureworld Sports in Santa Maria, CA.
 It took place on 9/25/99.  There were 22 people with a prize of $30 for
first, $20 for second, and $10 for third.  It was single elimination with one
match rounds.  Once again I used the venusaur regulation tactics to lead the
way to victory.  Here's the deck:

Venusaur Regulates Again

Pokemon: 20
4  Bulbasaur
2  Ivysaur
2  Venusaur
4  Weedle
2  Kakuna
2  Beedrill
2  Scyther
2  Lickitung

Trainers: 17
2  Pokemon Breeder
2  Professor Oak
2  Gust of Wind
2  Super Energy Removal
3  Pokemon Center
2  Pokemon Trader
4  Energy Removal

Energy: 23
20  Grass
3  Double Colorless

Now here's the tourney report, however I am typing this the day after the
tourney, so I might not remember some names.
Round 1- Steve (fire and water)
I had played this kid before the tourney for fun and I knew his deck.  I
whooped on it then, and I whooped on it now.  The only thing that he attacked
me with was a jigglypuff.  He just couldn't get the energy.  Venusaur and
Scyther tore apart one pokemon after another.(Record 1-0)

Round 2- Jake (remember his name only because I was wearing a Less Than Jake
shirt and he made a comment)
He was playing a wierd stall type deck with lots of kangaskhans and mewtwos. 
I had also played him before the tourney, so I knew what I was up against.  I
had a scyther out slashin' by turn two on his kangaskhan.  Scyther proceeded
to tear through the rest of his unpowered mewtwos and kangaskhans.(2-0)

Round 3- His name was something like Hukana, or at least thats what people
called him (grass)
>From his basics that he started with, I knew that my deck was superior.  He
got a venonat, jigglypuff, and an active kangaskhan.  I started scyther.  A
few turns later, after the death of kangaskhan, he sent out a wigglytuff who
was destroyed by scyther because he couldn't get energy.  He did manage to
get out venomoth, but I had two beedrills out along with a scyther, so
everytime he got me poisoned and confused, I would flip to retreat for free,
and succeed.  Once I took venomoth down, it was smooth sailing.(3-0)

Round 4- Shawn (haymaker variant with snorlax and machamp)
This guy is my friend and I usually work him with my deck.  It started out
perfectly, scyther vs. hitmonchan.  I got scyther slashin' on the second
turn.  However, he retreated and brought out snorlax, and super energy
removaled me.  After that, I just couldn't get any energy, and he actually
killed all of my pokemon with snorlax.(3-1)  However, after the match, the
judge counted his deck and he had 61 cards, so I was given the win, and got
to advance.

Round 5- Dave, the store owner (raindance)
This guy is good, however I once again got a great start with scyther
slashin' up staryu by the second turn.  All that he had was a seel.  He oaked
twice on the third turn, and all he managed to come up with was a squirtle. 
Scyther just slashed his way to victory.(4-1)

Final Round- Mike (damage swap variant with hitmonchan)
This guy is notorious for always running people out of cards.  I knew his
deck, but I had never faced it.  Surprisingly, I don't remember this one very
well.  He had a lickitung against my scyther.  I just kept slashin', but he
got an alakazam out and lots of pokemon centers and super potions.  I slowly
took prizes with gust of wind, but near the end I just went for the gusto and
sent venusaur out against him.  I took all but one prize before he confused
me with lickitung.  However, with four cards left in my deck, I flipped heads
to kill lickitung with solarbeam for the win(5-1)

Well, thanks to Shawn not counting his cards, I came out in first and took
the $30.  I give the MVP award to scyther this week, he regulated in every
match.  Thanks for bearing with me.

If you have any questions/comments/death threats, send them to
Dave Fishel (