Alright this deck is used throughout my visits to the Pokémon Trading Card
Game League. It is at Gamekeeper store in Fiesta Mall Mesa, AZ. With this I
won my Boulder badge in no time flat and am almost to my Cascade Badge! Here
it is. Note: This is Grass, Fire, and Ground. I named my deck Basic Beatdown

3 Charmander
2 Charmeleon
1 Charizard
2 Growlithe
1 Arcanine
2 Eevee
1 Flareon
2 Cubone
2 Marowak
2 Ponyta
1 Rapidash
1 Pinsir
1 Porygon (Good stalling Pokémon)
1 Magmar
2 Rhyhorn
1 Rhydon
1 Diglett
1 Dugtrio
2 Bill
1 Pokémon Center
1 Full Heal
3 Pluspower
1 Revive
2 Pokéball
1 Super Potion
12 Fire Energy
12 Fighting Energy
6 Grass Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy

How my deck did:

Match 1, 1st week Pokémon League:

Fought a kid with a what seemed to be a modified Water Blast Deck

He sent out and Eevee against my chamander. I drew a fire energy and used
scratch with a pluspower. He attacked with quick attack and coin landed on
tails. I evolved Chamander into Charmeleon and attached Double Colorless
energy. Used scratch and fainted his Eevee. He no longer had any basic
Pokémon and I won.

Match 2, 1st Week Pokémon League
Fought one of the Gym Leaders named J.J.

He had a Psychic stall deck with a mix of colorless.
He first attack with abra. I attacked with a Rhyhorn. I used Leer attack
after attaching
a Double Colorless Energy. Heads he could not attack. He drew a card and
called back to me. I attached a fighting energy and used Horn attack to knock
it out. He sent out Jigglypuff. He attached Double Colorless and used
Lullaby. I was asleep. I discarded all energys and retreated him. I sent out
a Marowak I had on my bench and used Bonemerang knocking Jigglypuff out. He
then sent out a Alakazam he had on his bench awhile. He attached an energy
and called to my turn. I used Bonemerang and flipped tails then heads. He
attached another energy and used his attack that does thirty (I forgot the
name. It's been awhile since I had an Alakazam). And brought Marowak down to
30 HP left. Taking advantage of his mistake (In which he should have used
Damage Swap) I used bonemerang flipping 2 heads and knocking his Alakazam
out. He had no more Basic Pokémon and I won. He was so mad he lost and I was
Jumping for joy.

James Bishop,