Tourney took place at Texas, San Antonio, and Alien Worlds on San Pedro road.
40 contestants entered the as one of them

Deck     Psyplosion

Pokemon cards:
Electric: 26
16 energies
4 magnemites
4 magnetons
2 zapdos

Psychic: 22
12 energies
3 abra
3 kadabra
2 alakazam
2 Mr. mime

Colorless: 4
4 chanseys

Trainers: 8
4 clefairy dolls
4 Pokemon Centers

Get out magneton and put a clefairy doll on it then use explosion. After all
the clefairy dolls are gone then use alakazam's damage swap to a chansey and
use a pokecenter on it.

Battle 1:
I was battling a pathetic fire deck. I drew a magnemite, magneton, clefairy
doll, abra, chansey, alakazam, and 1 electric energy. He drew a charmander.
First I thunderwaved him then I drew a psy energy and used self destruct.
That was the end of that.

Battle 2:
This battle had a very stong fighting team. He got out a machamp hitmonchan
and a golem(jap fossil). He used self distruct on me and knocked out my
alakazam in the first few turns. I then pulled out a chansey and put 4
energies on it and kicked some butt. I knocked out his machamp and hitmonchan
with my chansey(with the help of clefairy dolls). He had a good deck but was
then disqualified for using a jap pokemon.I won by default.

Battle 3:
I was fighting a beefed up water fire deck this time. He got out a charizard
and blastoise in the first 6 turns. I also got out 3 magnetons an alakazam
and fully loaded chansey. He knoked out my magneton but then I knoked out his
blastoise with 2 hits of a thunderwave. Then here came charizard. They are
useless while paralised.soooo. get my drift???any way I knocked out his
vaporeon and flareon in the next turns. This guy had a good deck.

Battle 4(semi finals):
I fought a nidodeck this time. He kept toxicing my magnetons and kadabra. But
after psyshock he didn't even pull out a single nidoking from then on(lucky
me). I then did explosion and it was all over for the nidodeck.

Battle 5 the Finals:
This is what I was waiting for. I was battling a full Fire Deck.. It had 4
charizards 4 ninetails and 4 arcanines...last but not least no energies..HA.
As soon as I got out my good cards(after 7 or 8 turns due to a bad draw) I
was unstopable. He tried to firespin me more than once.luckuly he was using
doublecolorless so he discarded all jis energies on that1 turn. Pitifull huh.
Well I just thunderwaved him to death, but befor I won he resigned. O well,
if he had more energies he may have one, but I won 1st place and got a 1st ed
charizard for winning.Cool huh    My name is T.J. Yale