Hi, I'm Talon Karde (proteusak@earthlink.net) and this is my killer deck:The Tournement was held on aug. 7th at Skyrocket cards and comics at Seattle, WA. There was about 11 participents, all packing killer decks. It was my 2nd first place in a row.
The Deck
4x Hitmonchan
4x Scyther
4x Electabuzz
1x Zapdos
3x Pluspower
3x Professor Oak
1x Comp. Search
2x Super Energy Removal
3x Bill
3x Gust of Winds
4x Energy Removal
4x Scoop Up
3x Double Colorless
9x Fighting
12x Lightning
Battle 1
Played against a friend of mine, he was using a mean haymaker almost exactly like mine. I won the coin toss and drew a scyther and a hitmonchan and about 3 fighting and 2 lightning. He got an electabuzz and a scyther. We both started with scyther and I attached double colorless. He retreated and brought out electabuzz and did 40 damage (3 pluspowers) no paralyze. It lasted for about 10 more minutes and he finally beat me by using a bizzarr twist of computer searches and professor oaks. BUT DON'T STOP READING, IT GETS ALOT BETTER
0 points
Battle 2
Played against some kid, he was using a psychic deck. I wooped him with my hitmonchans. WIN.
3 points
Battle 3
Played against a kid with a raindance deck. I woop his first two squirtles with electabuzz then he gets out one and breeders it and get's out blastoise and gets some energy on him. Electabuzz got some action after doing 80 damage to blastoise, but then I scoop up and bring out hitmo, attach fighting, WIN.
6 points
Battle 4
Play against my friend this time. I beat him in 3 turns with my hitmonchan against his electabuzz using energy removals and stuff. he got very unlucky. WIN
9 points
Final 1
Play against a kid with an electric deck. He brings out voltorb, I start with hitmonchan. I win the coin toss, attach fighting. WIN. Second round I woop his pikachu with my hitmonchan again. WIN.
15 points
Final 2
Play against a fire deck. My scythers (duh!) woop his ponytas and charmanders. WIN. Second round I deck him cause I wanted him cause I felt sorry for him and didn't want him to think his deck was totally useless. WIN.
21 points
Final 3
My last round against my friend. Apearently me and him were the only ones with only 1 loss. I woop him first round, he woops me second round, I woop him last round. Simple as that. WIN.
I won with 27 points and got 40.00 store credit. I bought a computer pass for 25 dollars and spent the rest on boosters. I got a chariard, blastoise, venusaur, hitmonchan, electabuzz, and alakazam.