he tournament i went to was held at hereos unlimited in roselle
illinois.attendaence 28


11fighting energy
10electric energy
3double colorless

2prof oak
1computer search
4energy removal
3super energy removal
2gust of wind
1energy retreval

round one:(bart) i get a chan buzz pluspower first hand  put out buzz because
i have the energy.he puts out a magikarp his only basic i go first thunder
shock with a pluspower i win.1-0

round2:(ray)i get machop chan scyther.i put out scyther an put a x2colorless
on him.he has out a magnemite he puts an energy down.i draw a pluspower and
put and energy on scyther and slashed then used a pluspower killed him.then
he put out zapdos and i energy removaled him and killed him.he ran out of
basics i win.2-0

round 3:(jake)colorless deck he puts out chansey i put out chan i kill his
colorless guys no prob i win draw last prize.3-0

finals:(danny)he plays rain dance i rip through him give him no time to
evolve any of his magikarp or squirtle with my electabuzz and he gets out a
polywrath kill my buzz.i put out chan and he kill him but i damaged him bad
and killed him with another chan.

i won $20 store credit
