Hey Scott,
This tournament was held on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at Zany Brainy in Northridge, Ca.  There were about 20-30 people there.  There were four rounds.  It was single elimination.
Round 1: Brian
I played an electric deck, which was my weakness, but he didn't really know how to play.  I started with a Kangaskhan and he started with Zapdos.  He thought Zapdos was the best.  i put a squirtle on my bench and had a Blastoise in my hand.  I let kangs sit up there for a while until I got a breeder.  by that time his Zapdos was pumped, but I had a whole bunch of energies and 2 energy removals in my hand.  He used Thunderjolt to kill kangs but lost his energies.  I take blastoise out and for some reason he keeps on putting energies on zapdos.  I raindance, kill him and some pikachus in the next 4 turns and it was over.
Record 1-0
Round 2: John
He played a water-psychic deck. He only gets a staryu out while i get kangaskhan,squirtle and jiggles.  squirtle kills staryu in 2 turns thanks to plus power. No pokemon left i win.
Record: 2-0
Round 3: kristen
He played an overgrowth deck. she starts out with 2 starus.  I do with a squirtle, jiggles.  I use squirtle.  he attacks me i get another squirtle.  i lay energie on squirtle on the bench evolve to wartortle. he kills squirtle.  Wartortles out. Withdraw heads.  energy on wartortle attack with bite staryu dead.  staru out. staru dead.  she sends out weedle poisons me.  she shows me gyarados and says she can't get magikarp. kill weedle. no more pokemon. finds out magikarps in the prizes.
Record: 3-0
Final: Lorrie Wheeler
Hardest game ever.  She uses Tyler Grund's Holy Butt Slicer deck (has all of my weaknesses) she draws 3 quick prizes with electabuzz. Kangs stays up there until i get blastoise. kills 3 i catch up. she kills blastoise and it goes back and forth. after a while i accidently bill and deck myself.
Record: 3-1
Here's the deck:
26 water energies(duh)
3-2-1 Squirtle evolution
3-2 Magikarp evolution
2 Kangaskhan
2-1 Jigglypuff evolution
1 Scyther
3 bills
2 oaks
2 plus powers
1 scoop up
2 comp searches
1 pokemon trader
1 pokemon breeder
2 gust of wind
2 energy removal
1 energy retrieval
I got 2 booster packs and got flareon and jolteon.
Yu-Heng Guo
email me at animorphs01@hotmail.com