Hay all you people. I just went to a tourney. It was not sanctioned but it
was really fun. Here is my deck then my report.

12 Psychic
14 Electric

3 Chansey
1 Kangaskhan
4 Abra
3 Kadabra
2 Alakazam
3 Pikachu
2 Riachu

3 Bill
2 Oak
2 Scoop Up
2 Poke Center
3 Energy Removal
2 Super Energy Removal

Well there were only 8 people there so it was really short. It was double
elimination. I will not mention any names

Round one: He had a grass something deck. Well I had a awesome hand. A
Chansey two DCE Pikachu Riachu and two Electric. Well we go at it  for a
while and I kill his last pokemon with a Kadabra.

Round two: She had a Raindance. To bad for her. I beat her down with a Riachu
the whole game.

Round three: I got beat with a fighting deck that had resistance to me.

Until next time