Hi, I had a great time at the tourney. It doesn't matter if you win or lose what matters is that you have fun. The tourney was held at Neutral Ground in Mountain View in Claifornia. It was a single elimanation tourney.There was about 18 people and I placed 1st to win a booster box. Also thanks to a guy named Joshua who gave me the inspiration for this deck. Energies: 9 fighting 9 electric 9 fire 3 double colorless Pokemon: 3 Hitmonchan 3 Magmar 3 Electabuzz 3 Kangkaskhan Trainers: 3 Scoop up 3 Superpotion 3 Bill 3 Energy Removal 3 Super Energy Removal 3 Clefairy Doll Strategy: I didn't put in Oaks is because you don't want to get rid of these cards at any time, plus you got Kanghaskan and Bill to do the dirty work. You see you put out Clefairy Doll while you power up your pokemon, especially magmar. There were five rounds and I won all of them. Now here it goes . . . First round : Somebody named James Tran. In my first hand I got hitmonchan and electabuzz and 2 ground 1 electric 2 removal. I got to start first and I drew a super energy removal! I put down a Electabuzz and a Hitmochan. My starting pokemon was Electabuzz and my opponent's was Magikarp (bad luck). I slapped down a electric energy thunder shock 20 damage and it was heads(my luck). Next turn I finished him of and I didn't even use my hitmochan. 1-0 win. Second round: me vs William Cornelius(a mono-electric deck) He flipped tails damn it he go's first. My hand was a Hitmochan, three ground, 1 Clefairy doll, and 2 bill. Only one basic oh well. I put down a Hitmochan and my opponent put down a magnemite, pikachu, pickachu jungle, and a electabuzz. His starting was a magnemite. He put down a energy thunderwave tails (yes). I put down a ground jab he is gone. I draw a prize magmar. Rest of the match went the same way exept I put two more ground and beat all his pokemon. 2-0 win. Third round: vs Mike He had a leaf deck no problem. My hand Electabuzz , magmar, 2 fire, 2 ground, 1 bill. I go first put down a magmar as my starting and electabuzz for my my bench. His starting is a weedle thats all . I put down a fire and use bill , I get a bill and energy removal. End. His turn he puts down a leaf poison sting tails(yes). I put down a fire fire punch I win. 3-0 Fourth round: a bye lucky me. Fifth round: vs Mike(psychic) Since This guy was young he bought a deck that had over 80 cards. So I told him to get some cards out. He did and he came back but it still looked like over sixty cards so I said to the judge for a deck check. He got disqualified and went to his daddy crying. I feel sorry for him. I hope you liked my deck. Soham Chowdhury email me at malapc@aol.com Thanks