My name is David and Im from WoodlandCa., This tournament was played at Woodland Comics and cards.My email address is I call my deck-Venus-Pokemon-Trap I went to a tournament that cost $6 to play in. There were like 30+ people there but many were inexperienced. Anyway I ended up placing 1st and winning the prize. $10, a Venusaur,Blastoise, And Wigglytuff Holograms. Here is my deck, then I will tell what happened? So I can safely say that this Deck works for me. 20 Leaf Energys 3 Double Colorless energys 3 Pinsir 2 Vileplume 2 Gloom 3 Oddish 1 Scyther 2 Exeggcute 1 Exeggcuter 2 Clefairy 2 Clefable 2 Khanguskhan 1 Chansey 4 Energy Removal (Helped big-time) 3 Pokeball 2 Switch 2 Super Potion 2 Potion 1 Pokemon Breeder 1 Gust of wind 1 Energy Retrieval Match 1 Game One My opponent was of Fire, Water, and Psychic. In my first hand 1 had a Pinsir and he had Abra and Ponyta. I wiped him out in 6 turns. Easy win. Game Two I had a Pinsir and a Khanguskhan. I sent out Khanguskhan and while I was stalling with him, my opponent built up a Charmeleon and Arcanine. He used Charmeleon to do 50 damage. I retreated Khanguskhan and by then I have Scyther, Pinsir, and Gloom. I sent out pinsir to do 50 damage after using an energy removal. I won the game with my Vileplume after he killed Pinsir. Match Two This one was simple. Both games were the same story. He had Fire/Psychic but he only got 1 basic both games and he lost cause of no pokemon. Match Three Game One My opponent had a water/Colorless deck which I liked. He was wiped out with my Pinsir 8until with 1 prize left for me, he sent out a Khanguskhan and killed Pinsir. But I had Clefable and a Gust Of wind. I switched his Pokemon with Gyarados and two metronome-Dragon Rage killed him. Game Two This one was over before it started. He got a Poliwag and I got Exeggcute. 1 Leech Seed and he was killed. Match 4 Semifinals He had a Fighting deck. Game One He only got out a Machop and I killed him to win the first game. Game Two This one was hard fought. He killed 2 Pinsir, a Chansey and Khanguskhan. I had killed 2 Machop, 1 Primeape, and 1 Hitmonchan. I had a Vileplume and Clefable and he had Hitmonchan and Machamp. I killed Machamp with Vileplume but Hitmonchan killed Vileplume. My Clefable did two metronome-Special Punch and I won! Match 5 Finals This guy was really good but I had resistence to Psychic and that was his deck. I was winning the match when somebody noticed that his deck was too big. He had 67 cards and was disqualified. I only had 1 prize left to get and he had 5. Anyway That is how I won. I hope this deck works well for you too.