Hey, I competed at a pokemon tourney at a local card shop called Past Present Future on 7/16/99. I used a very good deck, but sometimes I got really bad hands. My match record was 4 wins 2 losses, and my game record was 6 wins 5 losses. My deck: 4xCharmander 3xCharmeleon 2xCharizard 2xEvee 1xFlarion 2xGrowlithe 1xArcanine 3xPoliwag 2xPoliwhirl 1xPoliwrath 2xMajikarp 1xGyarados 13xWater Energy 13xFire Energy 2xDouble Colorless Energy 1xOak 1xCPU search 2xSuper Potion 4xBill Now the tourney results Match 1: a guy useing a fire electric deck Game 1: Very easy, he drew only pokemon, never got any energy until it was to late. He had 2 Pikachu, 1Voltorb/Electrode, 1 Growlithe, and a Magmar on his bench, he had an electubuzz out. I had a poliwag out and evolved him into poliwhirl and kept using Amnesia until I got poliwrath( with a CPU search), I then destroyed all his electric with whirlpool, and killed his magmar. I win Game 2: This sucked, all I drew was a dambed Charmander, he sent out Electabuzz and killed my only basic. I lose Game 3: This was a hard match all I had was a growlithe and arcanine and 5 fire energy, and he had a pikachu, raichu, and buzz. He sent out buzz, but he didn't touch me, he had no energy. I KOed buzz and he sent out raichu, but not enought energy to attack. I dameged him badly with growlithe and evolved him into arcanine, raichu then did thunder, my arcanine was 10hp away for doom, but then the kid had to filp the coin, and it landed on heads??? therefor knocking out his only pokemon. I win. Match record 2,0 Game record 2,1 Match 2: hardest one I fought, he also cheated, but was in some relation to the judge, so it didn't matter. He had water phycic Game1: He gets the best hand, I got the worst. He killed my only pokemon, Charmander, with his Blastoise.I lose Game 2: He gets the same hand, he didn't shuffle.I got a better hand. I KOed his Pyduck, and squirtle, with Charmeleon. He brought out Blastoise and killed my Charmeleon, and he takes 4 prizes!!!! He tells me to take 2 then, but I don' t. I get my Charizard out and kill all but one pokemon, I have 1 prize he has 2. He then Koed my Charizard, and I brought out Poliwhirl, and I evolve it into poliwrath, He gust of winds me and brings in my Gyarados, I paralyze him and almost KO him, he gust of winds me and brings out Poliwrath, but he also uses 1 Super Potion. He attaches one energy, and says he is going to use his pokemon power, he attaches another energy then KO's me, he KOed me after he used full heal, but he used his pokemon power before full heal.I lose Match record 1,1 Game record 2,3 Match 3: a rainbow color deck Game 1: He only gets an abra, I get a Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, 2 DCE, 2 Fire Energy. His Abra never gets the right energy and he doesnt draw ant more basics I get a full powered Charizard, and toast him.I win Game 2: He gets a even crappier hand, with a majikarp, but no energy just diffrent evolutions. I koed his Majikarp with ember from my charmander.I win Match record 2,1 game record 4,3 Final Death 1: A very easy deck, fire grass. I KOed his weedle with Charmanders Ember. I win Match record 3,1 Game record 5,3 Final Death 2: same guy as match 3 He KOed both my Evees with machop, but I brought out a full powered charizard, end of story. I win Match record 4,1 Game record 6,3 Final eight: Last match he used a pur grass deck with some colorless. Game1: I get a charmander, he gets Scyther. end of story. I lose. Game 2: I get only a charmander,evee, and growlithe. He gets 2 Scythers, 1Pincer, and a lot of energy. I build up my charmander so I could get a charizard with CPU search. He KOes my evees, growlithe, and a poliwag. My Charmeleon is all powered up, and I get a CPU search, I search through my deck for my Charizards only to realize they are both in my prizes, so I get a Super Potion. It doesn't help, I fall to his 3rd Scyther, I KOed 2, and a Pincer. I lose. Match record 4,2 Game record 6,5. I was in eight place and got 15 dollars in store credit. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to e-mail me. This is "The Pokemaster" signing off. e-mail me at: Rage161616@aol.com