Tele-Fist-Of_Fury was my best deck so far. i think or actually, i know it's my best deck because here in watertown, new york, there was a tournament at sancuary comics. man, let me tell you it was tough, but i would like to enter my deck which gave me the title of champion (for now) in pokemon cards. 15 fighting energy 06 psychic energy 01 double colorless 02 super potions 01 potion 01 poke center 03 energy retrievals 01 energy removal 01 gust of wind 02 switches 01 pokedex 01 clefairy doll 02 pluspower 02 poke balls 03 bills 01 gastly 01 haunter 01 jynx 03 machop 02 machoke 01 machamp 01 mankey 01 primeape 01 rhyhorn 01 rhydon 02 onix 01 cubone 01 diglett 01 sandshrew my first opp. didn't know how to play. it was easy my second opp. had fire & colorless. i used machamp & rhydon to win . my third opp. became my good friend then totally destroyed me. but it was fun. then i fought a psychic and lightning and won with rhydon and machamp again. next was easy. machamp AGAIN. lastly my friend and i fought once more. you can guess who i used. yup, machamp. brent moglia