Now that Ive fully read and abided by the deck submittal guidelines, I resubmit my deck and tournament report =) ~Kate Johnson ----------------------------------- Heya PoJo People! Professor Kate here to tell you about my newest tournament deck, Wigglytuff's Exeggcution. Tournament Summary after Deck List. Pokemon (21) Trainers (18) Energies (21) 2X Mr. Mime 2X Computer Search 4X DBL Colorless 4X Exeggcute 3X Switch 5X Psychic 3X Exeggutor 1X Professor Oak 12X Fighting 3X Jigglypuff 2X Pokemon Trader 2X Wigglytuff 2X Gust of Wind 2X Hitmonchan 3X Energy Retrieval 3X Cubone 2X Item Finder 2X Marrowak 3X Bill (This deck needs some work. I am taking out a Bill, and an energy Retrieval, and adding an Oak and a Jigglypuff. Im also removing the Cubone line and adding 3 Doduo 2 Dodrio to aid in retreating) I played this deck at the open tournamnet, held at Mayhem Collectables in Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday, August 7. I drove up to Des Moines with two of my friends, Jose and Tim. We hoped there would be lots of people there so we wouldn't have to face each other in the first few matches. We were pleasantly surprised to see there were about 30 people there, ranging in ages from 8 to about 38. There were lots of kids between 8 and 15 (prob 2/3) and unfortunately most of them didn't have very good decks. Entry Fee for the tournament was $1.00, and the first place prize was a First Edition Blastoise. Second Place Prize was A first edition Hitmonchan. We had thought the tournament would begin at Noon, but found out there was going to be a "Pokemon University" that day, where the people who needed deck help could get tips on how to build better decks, and where people can ask questions about the game itsself. Tim, Jose, and myself teach "Pokemon University" for the Ames, Iowa Mayhem store, so when we were asked to help out, we did. About 3:45 the "Pokemon University" Ended, and the tournament announcements began. It was going to be a 4 round, swiss tournament. Matches would be played 'best-two-out-of-three', and people with the same rankings would be matched together. Rounds were also limited to 30 minutes each. Round 1: I won 2-0 I was randomly paired with a fellow named Chris. He played a Psychic~Fighting deck. Nice guy, but unfortunately I mowed through his deck with lightning speed. Through use of Bills, Computer Search, and Professor Oak, I had a fully powered Wigglytuff and a full bench by round 3, and his poor little Machops and Abras just didn't stand a chance against Wiggly's 60 point "Do the Wave" attack. Round 2: I won 2-0 Round 2 was kinda difficult for me, because I was playing against a really nice kid named Tyler. I asked Tyler how old he was, and he told me he was 10. I'm 22, so I felt kinda wierd playing someone less than half my age. Lets just say that I was **REEEAAALLLYYY** nice to him. He was playing a Grass~Water deck, and it was obvious that he didn't play the game very much, didn't have much experience, and also was kinda nurvous. It took 10 minutes for him to get his cards drawn... try 1 he layed his prizes before drawing his hand; try 2 he drew his hand, then started to lay prizes before checking to see if he had basics; try 3 he forgot to lay prizes... =) When the game started it was pretty much like round 1, but this time I focused on the Exeggcutors in my deck. I had a Hitmonchan in the active slot, and an Exeggcute on the bench. I powered up Hitmonchan first turn, then Billed. I got a computer search and a psychic energy. Then I computersearched, discarding a couple energies for a double colorless. I hit him for 20.. . Over the next few turns I hit him with Hitmonchan as I built up the Exeggcute. When I finally brought him out, it had 3 double colorless and 2 Psy energies on it. I managed to knock out the majority of his pokemon with it. He did do an admerable job though, because he managed to get a Clefable out against my Exeggcutor and used metrinome to knock out my own Pokemon! I wound up beating him 2-0 though, because he didn't know the game, his deck, or his Pokemon's powers very well. Round 3: I lost 0-2 Round 3 was a very sad round for me, because I was placed against my friend TIM! Tim was playing his deck called "Best Defence" and lets just say, his Electabuzzes, Voltorbs, and Hitmonchans beat me down quick and hard. Both games, my Professor Oak ( a definate need to use at least once in this deck was in the prizes and I never got to it!) He beat me 2-0, and during both games I only drew 1 prize! Round 4: I lost 2-1 Round 4 I was matched against my other friend, JOSE! What made this round even worse was Jose was playing a deck that he borrowed from me to play! Game 1 I got my Wiggly out fast, and beat hi m quick... Games 2 and 3 he knocked out all my pokemon, so I lost. After that, I was out of the tournament, but I finished up with a total score of 5-2--and the only people who beat me were my friends who wound up coming in 1st and 2nd! GO TEAM AMES! If you have any suggestions for me, feel free to email me! Kate J. "The Pokemon Lady"