The tourney I went to was held on July 27th at Command D comics in Dracut, Ma. The winner would receive 2 Jungle boosters. I came in 2nd out of 5 kids. It was 1 dollar to enter and we played double elimination. Here it is: 1x Kangaskhan (Fetch rocks!!) 4x Abra 2x Kadabra 4x Bellsprout 2x Weepinbell 4x Oddish 2x Gloom 1x Vileplume (Petal Dance can do up to 120 Damage!) x2 Nidoran (F) x1 Nidorina x1 Mr.Mime x17 Leaf energy x11 Psychic Energy x1 Pokeball x2 Bill x3 Potion x1 Switch 1st match vs. some kid who had an electric and fire deck. He hardly knew how to play 1 win 4 me!! 2nd match: Me vs Jonathan he had a fire, psychic, and rock deck I lost because of my weakness to rock and fire! I had my vileplume too!! 3rd Match: Me vs. Matt he had a water and electric deck. I wiped him out fast with Mr. Mime's Pokémon Power: Invisible wall. I also wiped out his electabuzz with Vileplume. 4th Match: Me vs. ??(I forget his name) He had a Psy and water deck. I sent out kangaskhan and whipped him. I also used his fetch and got a Vileplume but I couldnt get Gloom out. 5th match: Me vs.Tim he had a water blast deck and I won easily with Mr.Mime. So... Jonathan and I were tied We had to battle and he won with his deck and came in first I got second. Michael Joyce