I am getting tired of people telling me you can't have a good water deck
unless you have at least 2 blastoises. This deck proves all them smart $#!!@%
that u can have a great water deck without 2 or more blastoises. I am 28-2
with this deck and i lost twice 2 one kid named kevin.

1-Blastoise-Rain dance is the key to making your other holo pokemon to be
1-Poliwrath-With his attack you can reduce energy on defending pokemon
1-Snorlax-U need to waste time somehow to get out a holo
3-Magikarp-I call them magiccrap
2-Lickitungs-another time waster

22-Water energy
2-Double Colorless

2-Energy Retrievals
2-Computer Searches
4-Poke balls-alot people think they suck but they usually win the game for me
1-Item finder-so u can use a poke ball again
4-Gust of wind-bring out the weaker pokemon
1-Plus power-never know when it can come in handy

I participated in a pokemon tournament and pokemon league at Strike Zone in
Houston, Texas. There are roughly 30 people there every Saturday. I already
have my boulder badge and my second tm sticker. Man they are stupid helpful

1st Round-I face a kid who has a rainbow deck with 2 charizards
first game-i use lickitung and he ends up killing himself and had no bench
second game-charizard comes out kills everyone and gets his 6 prizes
third game-I pull out a blastoise and a vaporeon with full energy vs a
charizard i whip his tail

2nd Round-bye

3rd round-Played a water deck with a poliwrath and vaporeon this little kid's
deck stank snd he didn't know what he was doing.
The games were so sad especially when i killed six pokemon with gyardos.I
don't even want to waste my time and explain it.

4th round-Played a electric and grass deck, my weakness.
1st game-Pull a snorlax out in beginning and i had 2 double colorless energy
in my hand. He didn't stand a chance.
2nd game-I ran out of basic
3rd game-We both had one prize left. My vaporeon came through and killed his

5th round-bye

6th round-played a rainbow deck with 3 charizards in it
1st game-He forgot to draw his prizes. I win
2nd game-We both have one prize left he has a charizard up and i had a
blatoise filled with energy. One hit he was dead. What was sad he had 2 other
charizards on the bench full of energy.

Final round-I lose to Kevin again. Sorry i can't tell u how easy it is to
kill this deck with his deck.

Thank u, Chris Comstock
E-mail me at Venom14857@aol.com