(editors note: sorry for the misunderstandng.  Here is the real report  -Scott)


   This deck was sent to the pojo earlier but they posted it incorrectly.
Look under POLIWRATH'S REVENGE on 8/25 by neal S. But when you click on the
link it says that the deck name is Dancing Rain and the maker is louis
Dennig. That is WRONG. This is the real deck that is really made by me..

24x Water Energy

4-3-2 Blastoise Line
4-2-2 Poliwrath Line
3-2 Dewgong Line

Trainers: 14

3x S. Potion
3x Prof. Oak
2x Pokemon Trader
2x Computer Search
2x Pokemon Breeder
2x Switch

Trainers: 14
Energy: 24
Pokemon: 22

Tourney: Whitehall Zainy Brainy on Tuesday August 24th at 12:30

Round 1 v.s Jon

    He was playing a Zap deck with all the changes the reccomendations said
to do. I had to use Poliwrath against basically the whole deck since dewgong
and Blastoise   would be rocked by the Pikachus and Electabuzzs. A
surprising (and bad for me) twist to the deck was the addition of an
Alakazam. But, by the time he evolved it, it was his last pokemon and it was
out active against my active poliwrath and a full bench. I win.


Round 2 v.s Andrew Traver

    He had 3 Electabuzzes and 2 Scythers on his bench by the fifth turn of
the game. His biggest mistake, though, was sending an electabuzz out with no
energy against a poliwrath. My poliwrath could only use water gun but
eventually kept using whirlpool so electabuzz died. Then came out scyther.
Scyther was whirlpooled until it was down to one enrgy. Then he sent out
another scyther and did 60 damage. I used switch for a Dewgong and used
Aurora Beam twice and it died. He then said that he forfieted. Bad Sport.


Round 3 v.s Tim

He was older then me. He playing a deck almost exactly like mine except he
had a gyarados instead of dewgong. He lived to regret when he only had a
magikarp and I killed it with none other then seel. He did manage to bench
another one and also a squirtle, but by that time I had a dewgong out and on
bench i had a blastoise and both poliwraths. Squitle was evolved into
wartortle and magikarp was sent out and then he was evolved. Ha! Dewgong
killed it in 2 turn with help from super potion.


Round 4 v.s Stephen (John’s Brother)

He was playing a heavy duty grass deck. He kept using a vileplume full heal
combo. I was killed but my Blastoise put up a good fight. When he won I was
down by two prizes.

I was eliminated in that round but I got 5 free Japanese boosters. I got a
Surge Magnaton, a Erica Vileplume, a Rocket Hitmonchan and a fossil Kabotops
and Articuno. It was fun.

            Thanx for reading,
                   Neal SenGupta