Hey Pojo howz it going the tourniment  I was in was held in Bismarck ,
North Dakota {were I live} inside the Kirkwood mall on 8/10/99.It was my
3nd tourny and i got first in this one!!Well first i'll  give you my
cards then my report.


x3 machop
x2 machoke
x1 machamp
x2 rhyhorn
x1 rhydon
x2 hitmonchan

x3 bulbasaur
x2 ivysaur
x1 Venusaur
x2 Exeggcute
x1 Exeggutor
x2 Scyther

Pokemon Total:22



Energy Total:24


x2 Imposter Profs
x2 S.E.R
x2 Prof Oak
x3 Bill
x2 breeders

Trainer Total:14


                                     Game Report

Round 1:Me Vs. Guy named Jim {9 year old, im 13}

We flip coin I win {by the way he has a Zap deck strait off the shelf} i
get 2 scyther and a machop I play a scyther he plays a abra I do swords
dance and woop , Game.

Round 1, Game 2:

We flip He wins I then draw Scyther and an ivy and bulbasur  I play Bulb
and use breeder got out ivy Vine Whiped His Jinx He Meditated his Jinx
took of 20.
My turn i reatreat and bring in Scyther, Swords dance, Slash, Game.


Round 2:Me Vs Girl named brittany, who had a rainbow deck

Flip, I won Drew 2 Himon's and bulbasur played Hitmon she played a
Picachu she coudnt find energys to make a long story short it was a
slaughter, Game

Next game we found out she had 70  cards i asked her to get rid of 10
she said no asked her again she said yea ok to out like 2 so i called a
ref and sadly she got kicked out of the torny .


Yes I got a buy!!


this was the championship game i played a kid with a colorles deck

Game1:I drew my egg men big explotioned his Lickitung He had none on the
bench I WIN!!!!!!!
I won 10 original boosters 10 jungle boosters and 2 there deckes of my

Ill talk to ya latter guys, this was Seth Email me at