My deck's name is "Zap the Grass". It is, as you may have guessed, completely
made of grass and electric Pokemon. My name is Juan, and I took this deck to
a tourny at Intergalactic trading cards in Houston Texas. There was about
15-20 people there and I went 9-0. (I fought people before the tourny as
well)The object of my deck is to have electabuzz and pinsir and kangaskhan
hold off the enemy, while venusaur, nidoking and jolteon get ready on my
bench.This was the first tourny I went to and I beat everyone with my two
favorite types. Here are the rounds:
Round 1 versus Joey
This was my easiest round. It was the first and the easiest. He had a
haymaker deck with Hitmonchan, Electbauzz and Scyther's I think. He didnt
really know how to play it though. I started out with a great hand with two
electabuzzes. I sent him out and he started destroying hitmonchan. He used
Pokemon center and that was my chance. I evolved Bulbasaur with Pokemon
breeder to Venusaur and lets just say Joey was gone from there.
Round 2 versus Amanda
She was as easy as they come. She was about 9 years olad and had all evolved
water pokemon in her deck. Dewgong, Blastoise, Gyarados, and vaporeon, and
hardly any trainer cards. She tried to evolve her squirtle and magikarp but
gust of wind did wonders on her, and electabuzz killed her squirtles. It was
Round 3 versus Thomas
This guy was experienced, but chose the wrong deck to fight me. It was a
fighting/water deck. His only fighting pokemon were Rhydon, and Dugtrio which
are weak against plant. I charged up electabuzz as my first pokemon only to
find out I was facing a Diglett. Lucky for me I had a switch i my hand, I
used it and out came Pinsir which destroyed that little sucker. He tried to
return with a rhyhorn but pinsir took care of that too. I used gust of wind
on another diglett and destroyed, then a rhyhorn, and retreated pinsir for
electabuzz, then he took care of the water pokemon that was left.
Round 4 versus Ricardo:
This one was for the championship. He was playing a fighting/fire deck which
did not work to my advantage. I quickly startedd out with a Electabuzz while
he started with a magmar. I powered up electabuzz with energy cards and I
thunderpunched him twice for 40 damage each and good bye magmar.  I guess he
had no potions. He then came out witha Hitmonchan which I truly dreaded. I
came out with kangaskhan and well, took a risk on using comet punch.
Hitmonchan had already used two special punches so Kangaskhan was almost
dead. I flipped the first coin....heads! What luck! I flipped the second
coin...heads! The third...heads!!! and the last coin.......the one that
determined if Hitmonchan or Kangaskhan would die in the next turn.....HEADS!
I killed his Hitmonchan with a big gamble comet punch. He came out with
another hitmonchan which was quickly destroyed by my Pinsir with iron grip,
parlyzation, followed by Guillotine. I poke centered and the rest was a piece
of cake! I killed off his charmander with one gusts of wind. He then came out
with another magmar and little did I know he had evolve his charizard with
Pokemon breeder and his charizard had four energy attached to it! He switched
it out and I used super energy removal on it. While tried to gather more
energy I irongripped him with Pinsir, I flipped the coin and heads! I
parlyzed charizard! I then retreated Pinsir and sent out Jolteon who quick
attacked him for 30 damage! I tried to fill him up with energy but charizard
was full up, he fire spinned my Jolteon to the ground. I then got pissed and
sent out my Nidorino which horn drilled his butt to the ground. He only had
20 HP left. I then did double kick. I flipped one coin and...TAILS!!! Aww, oh
well one more try....HEADS!! I won! I beat the torny and got 6 jungle booster
packs as well as a free venusaur first edition card! Here is the deck that
won it all!

3 Bulbasaur
3 Ivysaur
1 Venusaur
1 Kangaskhan
2 Nidorino
2 Nidoran
1 Nidoking
2 Eevee
1 Jolteon
2 Electabuzz (Very useful)
1 Pinsir (People say he sucks, but he is better than Scyther in my opinion)

Trainer Cards: (14)
1 Pokemon Center
2 Gust of Wind
1 Switch
1 Computer Search
2 Prof. Oak
1 Pokemon Breeder
1 Super Enegry Removal
1 Energy retrieval
3 Bill
1 Double colorless energy

Energy cards (27)
14 Grass energy
13 Lightning energy

Any questions or comments feel free to e-mail me at