This deck was played at a tourney in a place called the Game Zone in
Pasadena CA on 8/6.

4 Scythers
4 Digglett
2 Dugtrio
3 Rattatta
2 Hitmonchan
3 Dratini
2 Dragonair
2 Clefairy

20 Figthing Enrgy
3 Double Colorless Energy

4 Bills
3 Gust of wind
2 Potion
4 Super Energy Removals
3 Energy Removal

First Round:
I was up against a Gyrados with a Hitmonchan so he killed it pretty
quickly. Drew Gust of Wind and put out Diglett and Gusted out a jolteon w/
no energy. Killed it in two hits. He brought out Gyrados again and killed
diglett. I then energy Removaled it and killed it with Scyther. Then he
brought out a fully loaded Pinsir and Guillotined for the win. I don't know
how he did it because he was playing all five Colors.

Second Round:
This kid stunk! He was playing a crappy water grass deck. I beat him up
pretty bad with a Hitmonchan because he had about 15 energy in his deck.

Third Round:
Played a fat kid named Jason who played a psychic fighting. Killed all his
pokemon with scyther except the Mr Mime which I dug to death.

Fourth Round:
Played Ken who played a Fire deck. Killed his Vulpix with my Scyther who
was confused and died. Then i beat up his Charmander with Rattata's and
Digletts while each time getting thos killed because he had a fully loaded
Charmander. Finnaly won because he didn't have any benches.

Fifth Round:
I started off really good killing his Magikarp, Dewgong and Wartortle with
some others. We each had One prize Left and he bring out a Gyrados. I
brought out a Machamp and gust of winded his Kangaskahn out but he killed
me with comet punch before I could do anything. I finshed fourth and got 2
boosters in which I got a Kanghaskahn and a Jolteon.
