Tri-Color Rain Dance V1.0 Brown/Purple/Blue/Colorless 1 Hitmonchan 2 Machop 1 Mr. Mime 2 Blastoise 3 Wartortle 4 Squirtle 2 Gyarados 3 Magikarp 2 Chansey 4 Bill 3 Professor Oak 2 Scoop Up 2 Pokeball 1 Pokemon Trader 1 Computer Search 5 Fighting 22 Water Weird. A Tri-Color Rain Dance! Can you believe it? It actually won its first tournament without playtesting! Maybe I have something new here. Strategy: Basically lots of Deck Manipulation to get out my big guns fast, with lots of Energy. Meta-Game against Electric with Hitmonchan and Machop. Mr. Mime and Chansey help stall. This deck was first played in a 32-person tournament in the Books-a-Million at Macon, Georgia, on 7/23/99. There were six rounds, the first three being in Swiss format. The next three were in Single Elimination, with the best 8 records. Ties after the Swiss wre settled by a single Sudden Death Match. All regular rounds were played in "Single-Match, 20 Minute" format. Arg... Game One: vs. "Mr. Technical" This guy was a jerk. He was so technical about everything, even saying that Pokemon were 'technically' knocked out, not defeated. What? Anyways, he was playing a Water Blast deck. He had some big guns out early, but Mr. Mime was out there. Guess what? I won! (1-0) Game Two: vs. Ummm... I think it was Brian... 'Brian' (I forgot his name) fought me with my easiest opponent- Fire/Fighting. It was sort of a modified Starter, actually. He was very nice, but obviously not too skilled at Pokemon. I defeated him. (2-0) Game Three: vs. Jessica Jessica played a modified Overgrowth, which obvously worked well because she got into the finals. She KO'd my Chansey with only a Weedle, because of Poison Sting. I came back with a loaded Blastoise, and Hydro-Pumped to victory. (3-0) At this point, I had a tie for the best record. I was on the first seed for the singles. Game Four: vs. Victor (Quarter-Finals) My worst nightmare... Haymaker (dramatic chord)! He played very well, but with the inclusion of my Hitmonchan and my Machops, I hid out on the bench until that dreaded Electabuzz was gone. When all he had was a Farfetch'd, I brought out Gyarados and Dragon Raged. He lost because he had no Pokemon. (4-0) Game Five: vs. Nick (Semi-Finals) His typical Rain Dance vs. My rebel Rain Dance. Who would win? I started out with 2 Magikarps and a Squirtle. I sent out a Magikarp to start, and he put out a Squirtle, with a Magikarp on the Bench. My Magikarp died soon, but on my second draw I got a Mr. Mime, just as he evolved to Gyarados. I put out Mr. Mime as he sent out Gyarados. Gyarados couldn't do a thing, because it only had WWW. If he had another W, I would have lost. But thankfully, I drew a Chansey, just in case. I threw two Pokeballs, and got to search for one Pokemon. I looked for Gyarados, since I had a Blastoise. I evolved, then sent out to deal some damage. His Gyarados was KO'd, mine at 50 HP. Then he brought out a surprise attack- another Gyarados. The thing was, though, he didn't fully comprehend Double Colorless Energy. He thought it gave you two of any color. After a rules clarification by the judge, I KO'd his Gyarados for the win. Good game! (5-0) Game Six: vs. Jessica (FINALS) This game lasted maybe 3 minutes. Jessica got a bad draw and had only a Weedle. Again, Weedle KO'd my Chansey, but Gyarados went out and creamed Weedle. End of game. (6-0) MVP (Most Valuable Pokemon): Mr. Mime. Without him, I wouldn't have won, because I wouldn't have an effective as a staller as him. This is CHIAPR. Have a nice day! CHIAPR