Color Sucks my decks point is to get the opponent with no energys then you pound them while they can't pound you. and to back up strong pokemon with stronger pokemon and trainers. 14 pokemon 4 chansey 3 kangaskahn 1 clefairy 3 datini 2 dragonair 1 farfechted 4 double colorless energy 26 any energy you want 2 super energy removels 2 scoop up 4 super potions 2 full heal 2 revive 2 potion 1 pokemon center 1 energy retrivel I played 4 rounds at dugans cards shop olympia wa well heres the results round 1: my first hand was chansey 6 energys. he was using a fire deck chansey beat his first guy magmar. dragonair beat all the rest. round 2: this guy had a every type of pokemon deck. he had no energys i beat him with datini. round 3: he had a colorless deck too. his pokemon wooped first three then i came back with my trusty chansey. round 4: he had a psyshock deck but i had kangaskahn need i say more. winner: me i won 2 regular boster pack and 3 jungle. e-mail: