The tourney was The WOTC offcial regional trainer showdown at manhattan center studios in brooklyn Ny at the tourney i went 6 and 0 with a haymaker deck 10 fighting energies 10 lighting energies 4 Double colorless x1 mankey x4 hitmochans x2 machops x2 machokes x1 machamp x4 electabuzzes x2 pikachus (1 jungle pikachu and one from the basic set) x1 riachu x2 voltorbs x2 electrodes x1 taurus (from jungle) x1 meowth (jungle) x1 persian(jungle) x2 farfedtch x1 chansey trainers x2 pokeball (jungle) x2 energy removals x2 energy retreaveals x2 potions x1 gust of wind P.S thanks to tyler for the hitmochans ,farfetchd,and electabuzz idea Damion Richardson