Now I know I havn't harassed the pojo in a while, but thats because my computer's internet service had all these technical difficulties for over a week. But now I'm back. I've played and won three pokemon tournaments so far, so I'm extremely happy- AND i've done it with one deck, and it was built to beat all others. After countless hours of tweaking and fixing, play-testing and experimenting- this deck has been finally tuned to perfection.
9 Fighting Energy
8 Lightning Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Hitmonchan
4 Electabuzz
4 Farfetch'd
4 Bill - 4 Professor Oak
3 Energy Removal - 2 Super Energy Removal
3 Potion
3 Gust of Wind
3 Switch
3 Pluspower
1 Item Finder
1 Computer Search
  Now, it may sound sort of conceited to say this deck is unbeatable... but if you play this right, it IS. You almost always get a professor oak or some way to get one your first turn. I give Tyler credit for fiving me the idea of a deck where you can always play everything in your hand, unless the bench of full or the trainer can't be used appropriately or at all at the time, and of course you can't play more then one energy a turn. However this deck has been virtually unbeatable in every tournament I've used it in.
    Look all you snotty people who think this can't beat your precious piece of trash decks- IF you can make this deck loser, build it and see for yourself. After you get used to it, you won't lose to any deck. You'll begin winning everything. And since the cards aren't easy to get, copies are and can rarely be made. Tyler, try this 27-trainer mammoth of a deck out... It ROCKS. Let me put it into perspective for you... this deck is the fastest deck available to my knowledge. The only way to actually lose is if you get one basic that is weak to your opponent's basic, no trainers, and all the wrong energy- which STILL hasn't happened to me. The deck can cycle down to about 10 cards in one turn with ease, if thats what you want to do.
     Look all you spectics- MAKE the deck for yourself, and you'll love the results if you play it enough and learn how to use it correctly. I believe that this is the best deck available in pokemon for now until "The Jungle" expansion comes out. Do yourself a favor, and try to get the cards to make this deck- you won't be disappointed.