Hello my name is Ray. I attend tournaments every saturday at Heroes Unlimited in Roselle, IL. This deck uses Alakazams P.P. and allows you to beat down the opponent while there damge is zapped away. If your wondering why so little energy is because i usually don't need too much for I usually win w/Farfecth'd and buzz. And the psychic guys are really just to get alakazam. Pokemon 4x Electabuzz 2x Zapdos 3x Farfetch'd 2x Abra 2x Kadabra 2x Alakazam 4x Chansey 1x Clefairy Trainers 4x Scoop Up 4x Energy Removal 4x Super Energy Removal 2x Energy Retrieval 2x Pokemon Center 1x Professor Oak 1xComputer Search 1x Gust of Wind Energy 4x Double colorless energy 14x Lightining Energy 3x Psychic Round 1 Played a kid with fire and water. He began with Vulpix dratini and clefairy doll. I began w/ Electabuzz chansey and a few turns later ALakazam. Easy win for me. Round 2 Played water and fighting. he began by knocking out my zapdos in 5 turns. ( used poke center to stall) Then he knocked out chansey. 'After that I got Farfecth'd and Buzz and took out the rest of his guys. Round three Played my friend Dan. I loaned him a ok version of a haymaker deck. We both stated off slow. At about my 10th turn Ifinally was ready to attack I had Electabuzz as my active and four chansey's on bench and an alakazam. After that it was an easy win. Final four I had a bad hand two electabuzzes.and other use less stuff. He started off with hitmochan which i eventually killed and a persian which beat with help from a plus power. I tied for third. won nothing. But i have almost always gotten to the final four with this deck. any questions or ideas to make the deck better email me at Sheram98@aol.com