The tournament I participated in was at a local card store in Hernando County, Florida.  There was 15 people in the compition.  I took first place overall, and this was my first organized tournament.  I played a physic/fire deck, while most of my opponents played straight fire or water/grass decks.  I am still looking to improve my deck with colorless cards, but I can't find any.  Any suggestions will be happily accepted.  Anyways, here's my deck:
11 Physic Energy
8 Fire Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy
4 Abra
3 Kadabra
1 Alakazam
2 Gastly
1 Haunter
2 Jynx
1 Mewtwo
3 Charmander
2 Charmeleon
1 Charizard
1 Magmar
3 Growlithe
2 Arcanine
3 Bill
2 Switch
2 Professer Oak
1 Scoop Up
1 Defender
1 Gust of Wind
1 Super Potion
1 Pokemon Trader
1 Computer Search
In the first round I drew a bye so I had time to walk the grounds and scope my possible opponents.  It was a best of three format, so I figured I'd have plenty of time.  The second round started much quicker then I expected it would.  I faced one of my friends, playing a fire deck with a splash of blue and yellow.  He was quickly disposed of because he was energy sogged, not getting enough Pokemon on to the table.  He thought by loading his deck with foils, he'd breeze through the tournament.  I simply beat each creature he laid down with Alakazam or Arcanine.  The third round held my hardest challenge, a straight blue deck, which hosed all my red creatures, so I had to work around that.  The first game, he beat me in a matter of minutes, getting out toughies, which I just couldn't match.  The second and third games dragged on, we were the first match to start in the third round, and we ended about 15 minutes after everyone else.  I beat him both times by one prize with Alakazam's Damage Swap Ability.  In the finals I deuled against another friend, who's deck I had built for him, so I knnew how to play against it.  It was a similar Physic/Fire deck, just with more red then purple.  I dwelled on that and pounded him quickly with Haunter and Jynx.  For all that, I took home 50 bucks, a fair prize for beating inexpierenced players.  But like I said, I'm still looking for improvements, so email me if you have any suggestions.
Nick "Deliverance"