Ida Price, San Jose, California > >At 09:02 PM 6/9/99 -0700, you wrote: > >Hey Pojo, > >I went to a tournament at my school, with about 54 people. > >I used a deck made from a starter that doesn't work well against any with > >psychic, or water. > >I had the following cards: > >14 Fire Energy > >15 Fighting Energy > > > >1 Machamp > >2 Machoke > >4 Machop > >3 Charmealeon > >4 Charmander > >1 Magmar > >1 Arcanine > >2 Growlithe > >1 Onix > >1 Porygon > >1 Farfetch'd > > > >2 Potion > >1 Super Potion > >1 Gust of Wind > >1 Energy Retrievel > >1 Energy Removal > >2 Switch > >1 Pokémon Breeder > >1 Pokédex > > > >This deck won my third place out of 48, and second in my grade level. > > > >number in 48 > >First I played a kid named Alex or something with a grass, Lightning >deck. > >He drew three times and got a Chansey, while I put out a Magmar, after 5 > >turns I beat him, with his only benched Pokémon a Caterpie, I won. > > > >number in 24 > >I played a kid named Jim with an all grass deck. With a Charmealeon I >killed > >him quickly. > > > >number in 12 > >I played a kid that I can't remember his name who had a phsychic >lightning > >deck. I decided not to play a Machamp when he put out an Alakazam, and >put > >out a Charmealeon, then a Magmar, which killed him, he then put out a >Raichu > >which I beat with my Machamp, and ditto to his Electrabuzz. He had an >empty > >bench > > > >number in 12 > >Game 1 vs. Gary > >Can't remember, I played a Grass, water (grass sure is popular) > >deck, and it was over fast > > > >1st > > Kenny 1 > > Jason 1 > > Jonathan 1 > >4th > > Bill -1 > > Alex -1 > > Gary -1 > > > >Game 2 vs. Jason > >Fast against his colorless/fighting > > > >1st > > Kenny 2 > > Jonathan 2 > >3rd > > Jason 0 > > Bill 0 > > Gary 0 > >6th > > Alex -2 > > > >Game 3 vs Kenny > >There was a large crowd, but he won, he had a water/psychic (what are the > >odds?) > >He brought out Kadabra's, Blastoise's, etc. I lost > >1st > > Kenny 3 > >2nd > > Jason 1 > > Bill 1 > > Jonathan 1 > >5th > >KO Gary KO > >6th > >KO Alex KO > > > >Game 4 (last) vs. Bill > >I beat his deck quickley, his coin tosses didn't turn out good, and I > >pulverized him with a Machamp > >1st > > Kenny 3 > >2nd > > Jason 2 > > Jonathan 2 > >4th > > Bill 0 > > > >PLAYOFF vs. Jason > >I guess I was overconfident, because he really pulverized me with his > >Dragonair, and then beat my last benched Pokémon (Charmander) with his > >Machoke (where was my two) > > > >I finished third, and got a medal (My school gives out lots of medals and > >ribbons and trophies (Track, dance, basketball, P.E., etc.) And a regular > >booster and a first edition, where I got a Chansey, and a first edition > >Gyardos. > >Kenny, (in my class) got a trophy with a Pikachu on top, and four >boosters, > >2 first edition boosters, and a theme deck of his choice (Blackout) and >his > >picture in the paper > >Jason got a medal, and 2 booster, 1 first edition, and his picture in the > >paper, plus he found a first edition charizard which he sold for $112.00. > > > > > >I would like to add these pokemon to the deck, but I don't have them: > >2 charizard > >Pokemon trader > > > >Email me with any changes I should make: > >