The Pojo- I have an incredible deck! now i know it is not unbeatable (it is so far but im sure it has its weaknesses and am willing to admit it unlike some people who "claim" no matter what theirs are "The Best") but this deck is really fast and i just enjoy playing with it!! I just recently was at a tourny at a local cardshop. I ended up lossing in the finals : (!!!! (it was due to a poor hand) but anyways here it is!... 25 Energy 12 Psychic 10 Fighting 3 Double Colorless 22 Trainers (WOW!...i love trainers...i believe they wun the game!!) 4 bills (gotta get those cards!) 2 p.o. (ditto) 4 energy removals (those really mess up your enemy's plan!) 3 super energy removals (ditto) 3 g.o.w (ditto, pull out those weak pokemon on the bench and kill 'em!) 1 potion (gotta keep your pokemon alive!) 2 super potions(ditto) 1 energy retrieval (you may be asking "what?" but i have found myself in need of energy and this has helped a bunch!) 1 computer search (great if you have this and two crapy cards and you search for a p.o.!) 1 pokemon trader (great if you have a bunch of psy. energy and only hitmonchans out...bring out those Jynxes!!!) 13 Pokemon 4 Jynx (great pokemon!) 4 hitmonchans (40 damage for 3 energy!!!! Grrrrreat!) 4 Farfetch'd (all i need to say is "!!!!!!!!!!!!!") 1 Chansey (Blockage!) There ya go guys!...enjoy!