This deck is called "Death". It consists of psycic and fire pokemon. It also has a few Trainers, which come in handy. 2x charmander 2x charmeleon 1x charizard 2x vulpix 1x ninetails 1x mewtwo 2x growlithe 2x arcanine 3x abra 1x kadabra 1x alazazam 2x drowzee 2x gastly 1x haunter 3x ponyta 2x jynx 2x magmar 1x scoop up 1x clefairy doll 2x gust of wind 2x switch 2x potion 1x super ption 1x full heal 11x fire energy 9x phycic Joseph: Tourney: Ca Main Place Mall, "The Game Keeper" 15 people participated. I got 1st place (great deck) I faced a few fire-water decks, like 4 fighting-electric decks and a lot of grass-water decks. I used my own deck, and I faced a lot of trainers that could have beaten me if I had one of the typical: fire-water decks, but I had a goooood deck. Thank you all and have a fun time rocking your opponents with this deck!