I went to Rosevelt Field mall with a deck that I never played before but gave a crack at it. How good are these purple eyed decks. Well I found out. I looked everywhere for A Pokemon place that had a tounament. After precisely 23 minutes, I found one. I was the 13th person to arrive. When the 14th came( I do not know how we got this many people at a mall ) Everyone paid $5 because it was fun and if we won you get 8 booster pack and only 1 for second place! I came up on top being #1! It was my first time ever winning and when I won none the games were even close! I happen to get A Charizard in one of my boosters, which is what I trade a few days earlier for 4 Alakazams! Well anyway here is my really cheap deck. 13 Pokemon: 3 Abras( Evolve It!) 3 Kadabras( Very Important ) 3 Alakazams!(Very Important x 1.3. It is being a little technical ) 4 Chanseys(As important as Alakazam ) 10 Trainers: 4 Bills ( To draw energy or Kadabra or Alakazam 4 Super Potions ( Helps the theme ) 2 of Lass! (When you have used your trainers if you see your opponent using energy Removal |or Super Energy Removal which it the deck only little bit of a weakness to Kadabra and dont get that going on use Lass to take away his trainers) 37 psycic energy! (you will need a lot for Kadabra and it takes away an energy using Super Potion but it takes away an energy from anyone and not just the active Pokemon and makes it easier to get these on the first draw:) Chanseys, are able to use 1 Kadabra and 1 Kadabra for a Alakazam and enough Abras for them. That is 2 Abras, 2 Kadabras, 1 Alakazam, and 2 or 3 Chanseys that you aim to draw or somewhere around that. Or incase you only pulll out Abras. The theme of this deck is just to get rid of the damage counters on your own Pokemon all together! Pull out a Chansey and begin attaching a energy to it and evolve abra to Kadabra. Place another energy on Chansey and use Scrunch and evolve Kadabra to Alakazam and CHANSEY HAS TO BE A LIVE BY NOW IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO DIE ON THE FIRST TURNS. Spread out the damage on Chansey to your benched Pokemon with Alakazams Pokemon Power and keep using Double Edge killing your opponent while using the Pokemon Power. It really helps if you have Chanseys on the bench who can take lots of damage. While your using double edge put enegy cards on Kadabra until he has a lot. If you have not already won with just Chansey which you often will ! If the damage is filling up on your bench retreat Chansey for only 1 the send out Kadabra and place 5 damage counters on him than use Recover and use a Super Potion that same turn which gets rid of 90 damage in one turn or use more than one Super Potion! You must Discard Energy Cards but you should have a lot on Kadabra. When enough energy is gone rule with Kadabra and Alakzams Pokemon Power who should Always remain on the Bench. Try this out or tell me what you think of it. It works for me! Respond to the best website, the pojo or e-mail me at LINKinPAST@aol.com Marc Dolgow signing off but you can just call me Link.