Giants ForestDeck name My deck record is 27&6. So far I haven't found any real weaknesses or a large weak spot. I've faced decks with everything from Charizard to Mewtwo and won. I played in 3 tournaments with 8 people in each at local comic shops. My deck has 3 different ideas all in one. #1:the reason for the pokemon centers is that Venusaur's power ables him to move energy from one pokemon to another, the point is, I move all the energy to an undamaged pokemon, use the PKMN center, and then move all the energy back to the original pokemon and no damage!!! #2:Like the overgrowth deck, I focus on geting out the big guns,Venusaur and Gyrados,but I also have the unsung heros,Staryu and Rattata, which only need one energy to do 20 damage. #3:The impostor Prof. oaks can cause a loss for my oponent later in the match. THE CARDS #of card name Rareity 4 Bulbasaur C 3 Ivysaur U 2 Venusaur R 13 Grass Energy C 3 Magikarp U 2 Gyrados R 3 Staryu C 13 Water Energy C 4 Rattata C 2 Switch C 2 Impostor Profesor Oak R 2 Pokemon Center U 2 Potion C 4 Bill C Brandon Weaver