This will be my third Pokemon update. I have made the ASH-AOD decks. this is the third of them, titled...yes, you guessed it, ASH-AOD III. I have played with this deck many times, and it was not too often I have lost. Now the way that I play with it is to try to stall a little bit, until i can get some big guys out to deal some major damage. With this third update to my deck, I have removed all the fire elements to make more room for powerful pokemon, because the idea behind this pokemon deck anyway, was to be powerful, and this was the best way to do it. I have looked at other of the all water decks, and this one is one of the best ( according to MANY people ) Without further wait, here is the deck. Pokemon Chancey - 1 - Used to try to stall with scrunch, and then you can add energy to others, and then double edge can help as a last hope. Squirtle - 4 Wartortle - 3 Blastoise - 2 - This is one of the main powers of the deck. Squirtle can use bubble, and possible paralyze the enemy, buying time to charge other guys. Wartortle is a good stage 1 pokemon, because of bite which does 40 damage. And then Blastoise, with his pokemon power, you can put down as much water energy as you wish, making a very fast charging deck once he is out. Polywag - 4 polywhirl - 3 Polywrath - 2 - This is another power person. As a basic, polywag can do up to 30 damage, and then polywhirl can disable moves. Then Polywrath, can do up to 50 damage, or do 40 and then take away a energy card from the enemy. A very good way to drain out your rival. Magikarp - 3 Gyrados - 2 - This is just for power. With three water energy, gyrados can do 50 damage. He also has -30 resistance to fighting. Then there is bubble beam, which does 40, and then could paralyze your rival. A very good card. Trainer Cards Switch - 1 - Well, need someone else out and dont want to pay the retreat cost, here ya go. Pokemon Trader - 2 - When you have a pokemon you dont need, but one you do, trade it, hehehe. Pokemon Breeder - 2 - This is a very helpful card. Say you have a squirtle and a blastoise, but no wartortle, well, you can fully evolve it with this card. Helpful =) Super Energy Removal - 1 - Can really save you in a time of need. Super Potion - 1 - Well, its easy to know what this does. Bill - 3 - Well, want two extra cards...this is the only way. Energy Retrieval - 1 - need some energy someone died with, take it. Energy Double Colorless - 1 - Makes scrunch more useful. Water energy - 23 - Yes, 23 of the same energy, I like it this way because you never have to worry about getting the wrong kind of energy you need. Deck summery - Strength, and lots of it. I am playing in a tournament tomorrow with this deck, so an update will soon be on the way. If anyone has any ideas or comments on this deck, please mail me at I3lade I3lade-