Subject: Pokemon Deck - Water + Fighting Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 23:15:41 -0800 From: "Richard Wagoner" To: This is a deck that I am currently using. The premise is basically the same as Blackout, drain until helpless, but with far superior cards. Water (14) 4x Poliwag (decent basic Pokemon, 30 damage potental) 3x Poliwhirl (amnesia keeps away huge attacks, with luck doubleslap will take out Charizard) 2x Poliwrath (Water Gun and *Whirlpool* are extremely powerful) 3x Magikarp (30 damage potental w/ Flail) 2x Gyarados (Dragon Rage is powerful and Bubblebeam can lock down an opponent while you drain their energy) Fighting (4) 4x Hitmonchan (*Nuff Said*) Colorless (5) 3x Dratini (Strong against Psychic) 2x Dragonair (*Hyper Beam* and strong vs. Psychic) Trainer (11) 1x Professor Oak 2x Bill 2x Super Energy Removal (Nuff Said) 4x Energy Removal (Nuff Said) 2x Switch (Gets out guys when and where you need them for free) Energy (26) 17x Water 7x Fighting 2x Double Colorless Please give credit to