The tournament was Held at the Pack shack, well it had 10 people in it, or something like that, I don't know how he did the Pairings but he did. The manager was the judge.It was in MI, Dearborn Heights.It was held on 11-27-99
19 grass energy
4double colorless
2 Scythers
2 Nidokings
3 Nidoran male
2 Beedrills
1 Arbok
2 Ekans
2 Weezings
3 Koffings
1 gambler
1  prof Oak
2 Breeders
2 plus powers
Here's the tourney
    Me vs. kevin
    I draw. I call heads and go first.  I start with a weedle and he starts with a diglett.  Poor kid, I do poison sting of twenty, and successfully poison. GAME!!
    Me vs. Ryan
    This game was a bit longer.  I start with a Scyther and him a Hitmonchan.  I attach a grass and swords Dance.  He attaches a fighting and does nothing.  I draw an oak.  I play the double colorless and play oak.  I get a grimer, Scyther, Muk, and 4 grass energies. I play Grimer and Muk and slash for 60.  He goes, Plays a mysterious fossil, and plays an energy on the fossil. He,s done. I kill Hitmonchan and draw Nidoking.  He brings up the fossil, and draws a card.  He then evolves into Aeirdactyl.  He plays a dble colorless energy and does wing attack of thirty.  I have forty left. I draw, and it is..... aPLUS POWER, I repeat, PLUS POWER. I play plus power.  Do a slash of sixty cause of weakness plus 10 cause of plus power. K.O Aeriodactyl. 
 Me vs. Billy
    I won because he had like 8 plus power and six Electrabuzz's. That Cheater.
    I win the torney, yah every one cheered, Gooo Nick, Go Nick!! You Rule, Your the Pokemon master of the world!!! So maybe I exaggurated, But just a little. Well anyway, I won 15$ store Credit and three boosters. One basic, one jungle , one fossil, in which I got A Blastoise,. yeah BaBey, A non-holo Pinser, and a Muk, my fav. Too bad, I traded my pinser for a holo Scyther, the kid thought Metapod was stronger than Charizard.  Well, Bye Pojo.
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