Ok, I participated in a local tournament held at Comic World in Dubuque, Iowa
on November 27, 1999 around 11:00 am. There were about 20-25 participates. My
name is Shane and here is the deck that I choose to use, and I call it
4 Hitmonchan
4 Electabuzz
4 Scyther
2 Kangaskhan
Total:: 14

3 Energy Removals
3 Super Energy Removals
3 Scoop Up
3 Plus Power
3 Gust Of Wind
2 Professor Oak
2 Energy Retrieval
1 Bill
1 Computer Search
Total: 21

11 Fighting
10 Electric
4 Double Colorless Energy
Total: 25

Grand Total: 60

Round 1: Against my good friend Steve
Well, we both play almost the same decks, but when I faced him this time, he
only got one pokemon and that was Hitmonchan, well I got a chan and a buzz,
and had chan as my active, so i put on an energy and jabbed. He still
couldn't get any more pokemon and couldn't lay energy so, i jabbed again,
then he got an energy and attacked for 20, but then i got a pluspower and it
was all over.

Record: 1-0

Round 2: against Joe
Well, me and Joe are very good rivals, but this time he got the better of me,
and ended up killing my buzz with a chan, and taking out my scythers with
buzzes, but i did last pretty long.

Record: 1-1

Round 3: against a little kid
Well, he had an all water deck, which meant trouble for him since I had out
two buzzes, and so I took the advantage and used it to kill his squirtles and
poliwags, this match only went for like 7 turns, cause he was able to hold me
back with a lapras but i still got around him and beat him, no big deal.

Record: 2-1

Round 4: against my other friend Kurt
Well he had a water/colorless deck, and his first pokemon were a clefairy a
lapras and a squirtle, well i got a scyther a chan and a kangaskhan, but no
buzz, so i had to take him out the old fashion way. well his colorless were
no match for me since my chan took care of them, and i just spanked his
lapras and squirtles with my scyther, and powered up my kangaskhan for the
final blow when he eventually got out a chansey, i beat him easily though he
only got one prize off me.

Record: 3-1

Round 5: against Frank (1st in state, ouch!)
Well Frank was a good guy and decided not to battle me cause he was too busy
playing magic so we split

4-1 or 3-1-1 depending on how you take a split

Finals: against Joe again
Well this time i got payback cause it came to the wire on this one, we ended
up going over the time limit and into sudden death (who ever got the next
prize would win) and so his pokemon that was out was a chan with one energy
and i had a fully powered buzz, his chan had20 damage on it, and it was my
turn so i thunderpunched and gave him thirty and got ten myself, and he ended
up with no more energy to retreat so he jabbed for 40 and now i had 50 damage
and he had 50 so i thunderpunched for the win and got a prize and won.

Record: 5-1 or 4-1-1 depending on split

Finals Round 2: against this one kid
Well, we both decided to split the prize for 1st and 2nd and both ended up
getting 4 packs a peice, i took 2 Jungle and 2 Fossil and got a holo
Victreebel and a non holo Snorlax, Dragonite, and Lapras

All in all it was a very good tournament, considering it was the first time i
got to beign tied for 1st or 2nd, in all the past weeks i got either 3rd or
Hope this deck might help some new deckbuilders for ideas, but please be
original, yes i did copy of the haymaker but i did adjust it and make a few
changes, yes haymaker is a winning deck, but it is not that fun of a deck to
play over and over again.

Any comments or questions email me at TMcgo55492@aol.com or McGohansj@aol.com
By: Shane (McGohan)