Hey! the tourney was at toys r us. there was about 29 people there.
today is 11-16-99. well here's my deck (more info below)

----pokemon----                     ----energy----
1electabuzz                           8
electric                                 4 energy removal
1 hitmonchan                       11
fighting                                 4 energy retrival
1 scyther                               9
grass                                    2 potion
1 pinsir                                 3 double
coleress                     4 gust of wind
1 switch
2 computer searches
1 pokemon center
2 energy search
1 pikachu regular

  round 1 me vs. matt
i started out with a electabuzz and chan. i played a fight. energy on
chan and did jab on his dratini. i think it had either 10 or 20 life
left. he did pound and did 10 damage to me. jab beat the game for me
cause he had no benched.

round 2 me vs. chad
 i think i had the worst cards ever. my only poke was pika. fourtunetly
i drew my snorlax. played it and a thunder energy on pika.did gnaw on
his drowzee for 10. he pounded for 10. then i drew a double col. i
played a fighting on my pika and thunder jolted for 30 and flipped
tails. pika had 20 hp left. he did confuse ray for 10 and confused me.
then for thunder jolt i flipped. whew....heads ... no benched again dang
i had a lucky day!

round 3 : me vs timmy
i drew one poke. a lee. played a fighting on lee. he played a double on
clefairy and sung me to sleep he flipped, i was still asleep.  nothing i
flipped...  still asleep. he played a grass on 'fairy and did metronome
ahhhhhhhhhhh! 50 damage. he flipped i was still asleep.... nothing i
flipped . i was going to die. he metronomed and killed me. i had to
leave after that.

                     abilene texas 11-16-99  littlehorse@earthlink.net
(thats my e-mail littlehorse@earthlink.net) name: Kenny Baumann